The Twin Siblings’ New Life - Ch. 28

Oct 26, 2019
It isn't just the adult isekai plot, but the fact that they were abused as children in this world & supposedly don't trust anyone.
Their siblings & father have at least given them reasons to trust them somewhat, but why would you just go along with the duke & his kid? Because they seemed nice at your first meeting? Even though they know how the ppl there feel about illegitimate kids...

On another note, we actually we can absorb & retain information much better in the early stages of life. You can definitely teach a child to reason & make sound decisions based on knowledge. You can also teach a child to speak multiple languages, play multiple instruments, solve equations, etc. It's even better to start when young. The human brain is awesome. So if these "children" already had time to absorb everything they knew before, you'd think they'd be a little smarter. 😑
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2019

From the MANY Isekai and reincarnation trash I have read and continue to read, I'd say the 'mental age' is most often used as a throw-away line just so that it can be picked up later to deus-ex-machina something the writer couldn't think of a believable explanation for.

'Smartly' written stories that intentionally follow "Kid's Brain with adult shoved into it" are a minority.

Though I will also now present another thought: "You never grow up, you just learn how to act in public."

I for one have not really changed much with how I privately think or act in the past 15 years, just have a better sense of what to do in public and professional settings.

So to call them 23 is a bit disingenuous in my opinion, since they are at most (presumably dumb)18 yr olds who have had 5 years to relearn common sense and how their new world works.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
Yes, exactly.

With this story as a prime example. I, personally, feel like it could have done without isekai/reincarnation. Just two kids who are psychically linked being mistreated would easily explain their jaded behavior, but still allow for them to be ignorant of their surroundings enough to, for example, not notice the obviously suspicious smirk of an obviously suspicious person. Especially after being previously attacked by an unknown assailant. Where a normal teenager with modern smarts would have easily picked up on a lot of things surrounding them. Such as their half-siblings genuine affection for them or how shady this kid is.

In all honesty, the isekai/reincarnation tag was likely just added to pull in the fans of the genre. Like so many Shoujo being Isekai-Otome now-a-days. Gotta make that cash.
Active member
Jun 4, 2019
Oi, oi, oi.

And I must agree with the commenters before me, this could've been done without the isekai part. I'm also wondering if they trusted the emperor's judgement and let their guard down with that kid.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2019

I legitimately forgot this was an "Isekai" till about halfway through the chapter.... which I may have subconsciously done it on purpose to forget this was an "Isekai" since that is my least favorite type of Isekai, and tends to distract me and detract enjoyment of the story.

Wait........ Our MCs are "adults" shoved into children.... and their siblings are children shoved into Adult bodies.

Gahhh!!! THAT'S the reason this is an Isekai, to contrast with that weird Metamorphosis or whatever thing. It's stupid by design...
Jan 26, 2020
@Shinta1983 the reason to make them be friends with the Duke Rose's son is to create the romance aspect. It is never the guy that falls in love in such a stupid way as a "girl." He might be attractive, and the female MC might like it but as an adult, she wouldn't fall for it. I noticed that many Asian authors make the female be submissive and naive. That is the representation of what a female must be [ no matter the age]. Many readers, especially, Asian readers laughed about it but when you interview older females or married females, they tell you that they actually become that way. They are never like that but society pushes them to be that way. Old generations, the husband's family wants and considers that the only way a good wife and mother needs to be portrayed as.

For the male audience, we have the male MC being all skeptic and very disguise whenever he sees his sister or relative going all lovely for another guy, but the male MC will eventually have at least two females going for him. Then we will see the female MC annoyed with the male MC. I wish authors to actually use the actual personality of the character. An adult with a life experience of 18 years is sufficient enough to prevent big abuse. It is here when we see the author forgetting all about the character's personality and mind age. The magically become children.

I am still waiting to see an author writing and portraying how an actual modern person would behave in a different world.
Aggregator gang
Mar 8, 2018
@Moraza I have to agree that a lot of isekai stories come off as silly when they bring up mental age, if someone has experienced being a kid twice but never actually lived as an adult then they probably won't have an adult mental age matching the actual length of time they have lived.
That said though, it could "possibly" be the characters themselves having the wrong idea about their mental age rather than it being a mistake by the author, even if I doubt it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Oh come on kid don't be evil haven't these two suffered enough...
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
This thread has some spoilers on how the twins' mother got pregnant in the 1st place, for those curious.’-new-life.106026/

Apparently she schemed to become empress, and used the emperor's blood sample to magically conceive the twins to claim palace entry. (Emperor never slept with her.) He made her sign some binding magical contract preventing her from becoming empress, but she was able to sneak in her terms that allowed her to have custody of the children (as bargaining pieces), for as long as she lived.
Oct 10, 2019
ok the fact that his name is killua just makes me like him 100x more than before
Active member
Apr 16, 2019
@Nimroth they are supposed to have died at 18 though if I remember correctly, so why do they act like children?

I agree that something must be up considering this isn't the first with the whole mental age thing...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Villains of this webcomic can't be more obvious.

@Moraza The whole isekai thing has never been relevant though, besides giving a lazy reason for the children to have enough mental faculties to be able to narrate the story for easy writing.
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 15, 2019
I would like to see how that Rosea kid gotten crumpled and thought that his plan are doing smoothly but actually it didnt give any effect for 23 years old mind in kids body like Arien & Arjen, it just give them a clue about who they really are thou

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