The Twin Siblings’ New Life - Ch. 36

Mar 22, 2019
The twins are just a dumbass, there's no excuse for that. Why the author make such unbearable MCs like this, their brain stopped working or something, the brothers are never even disrespecting them from the start, kindly treating them. The father still bringing them in and have decent life regardless but they turn their eye blind and trusting, touched by stranger that clearly has hidden intent to them, it's hillarious, where's your trust issues? be consistent, dumbass.

Sigh, i can see this turn into kidnapping, thanks for the burden. Btw, how's your plan getting out? it's kinda forgotten in a chapter huh?
Aggregator gang
Sep 26, 2018
I know I know, reincarnated stories where the MCs act clueless are super frustrating. But if it helps ease that pain a little, I think I read (on Namu Wiki or Naver summary, I don't exactly remember) that even though they were both high school seniors when they died, when they reincarnated, even though they retained their memories, their mental state reverted back to a child's.

Even though they do remember being highschoolers and such, their current reactions and comprehension levels are at the age of five. (I guess the best example I can give is...even though you have knowledge of what puberty is, you don't know exactly how it feels until you grow older and you go through it?). So yes, they're acting stupid because their little brains aren't developed enough to fully understand what's going on.

And to everyone yelling at them for not trusting their father...uhhh...YEAH. Of course they wouldn't easily trust their father! We've read about how they were told since they were born that their father doesn't care about them, that he only cares about his "real" sons, and that he was the reason they were stuck with their awful mother. On top of that, add on the fact that they overheard him saying that he wished them dead during the crucial time the twins were slowly beginning to trust again...yeah. Between a father who they believe wished them dead compared to a stranger who apologized and offered them some understanding and kindness, it's not surprising that they're a little more open towards the latter.
Mar 27, 2019
I don't understand how mentally dumb they were in their previous lives when they died. Like even a high schooler has more thought process than these two. I'm still reading comments but this is so so SO so so slow. Their stupidity is dragging far too long.
Jul 20, 2019
Is not the twins that are "dumb", the author itself is. This story is so obvious and full of personality holes (even in fiction, if someone, and principally a child, of royalty dared to somewhat torture a high noble, would be a absurd), that reading this is actually funny, in the same way like watching a trash movie. My reaction reading this chapter was a "Oh, so the author are going this way, making the twins recruit an miserable orphan originally from the slums ", or "aren't this clearly a trap? I mean, who you would trust: someone who worked years for your family, or some corrupt noble?".
Dex-chan lover
Nov 16, 2018
whats the point of isekai if the characters are gonna act like normal people their age
Jun 16, 2018
Why are these two so stupid? They seem like the sort of people who would jump right on into the white van just because it had "free candy" written on the side and then get surprised when there's no candy.
Jan 26, 2018
I'm still going to read but I'm getting tired of these two - it's clear the author has no idea how to actually properly write conflict or resolution to it, so they keep dragging it on without making any progress. Conflict for conflict's sake doesn't make a story, and it's not interesting if these two keep "hating" their family, after hearing the full story, and being given plenty of time to consider it and come to other reasoning with their intelligence that is supposed to be higher than normal.

Also everyone pointing out the abuse - I was abused too. Their reactions for awhile, as conditions of abuse, were believable and I was using it as a defense for them as well. But this has stretched on for way too long and it's becoming clear that the author just has no idea what they're doing. Sometimes, it isn't some look at how abuse affects someone, it's just really shitty writing.
Sep 5, 2020
Bro weren’t they 20 or something years old in there previous life, we’re have there brains gone too... we’re is there suspicions and there ability to investigate.... and’s basically about kids than Isekai’d people....
Apr 13, 2020
@kaychocolate I agree with you. It was interesting at first but the plot was not sustained. A lot of things don't make sense anymore. I wish they didn't have to be 20 year olds who have been isekai'd into this world because then at least they can be forgiven for thinking and acting that way. They're so gullible and there's barely any critical thinking happening. They easily get swayed by emotions. Like bruuuuuh. You really are behaving like kids!
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2019
My essay. Lol Just my penny on the people complaining & why I think it's all misplaced.

Idk why people are so critical saying they're 22 so they should suspect people or be wise or super smart. 22 or not, they lived 5 years of torture- and all 5yrs of those, they were mentally aware which means it's even more hurtful. They have trust issues, but they have never been given a reason to doubt Duke Rosea (other than the two-faced son of his). In reality, age is not the only defining factor as to how they should react in situations such as this. Like in real life, age or experience is not 100% helpful.

Yes, experience makes us wiser, sometimes but other times, it can also make us more foolish. Experience is how we are able to define or decide how to protect ourselves. To say that every 20yr old and older in the world is wise is a dumb thing to say because come on, it's just not true. The fact that so many are complaining about their age, I think, shows this. Emotions get the better of us.

I think the use of isekai here is to show the bond Arjen and Arien have. The intensity of their siblinghood spans more than this lifetime. I also think that it was a way to explain that they've been mentally aware since birth bc of this rather than saying, bc their magic is strong- which it isn't seeing as their guardian is dying. There needed to be a reason for their mental awareness without falling back to they have high IQ or magical prowess.

I'm also not sure why people are egging to solve this conflict with the twins and royal family. The biggest obstacle the twins have is their mistrust/hatred for people who had abandoned them. That cannot be solved within months. It's not solved with just 30 chapters unless time skip. If their hatred was less ingrained, I would also complain at the lengthiness. But as it is, not only is it about the twins but the life of their guardian. And not just about them but also, about their birth and even about the Emperor.
Double-page supporter
Sep 28, 2018
@roxanneayy I don't expect them to be geniuses. I expect them to be consistent. If they are going to "not trust anyone" then don't randomly decide to trust a complete stranger. That and the whole reborn angle just makes this inconsistency even worse. When they constantly harp on their "real age", yet lack critical thinking skills it's a problem. This wouldn't be a factor if the author didn't force the reborn aspect of the story.

If they were just abused children looking for any avenue of escape, then trusting the first person you meet who isn't your family makes sense. As a young adult who has some level of education and experience with society you should know that people aren't just going to approach you without any ulterior motives. Especially when you are royalty that is despised by the current society. You should be thinking, "What does this man gain from getting close to the illegitimate children on the emperor?" Even without going that far, it was the imperial family who introduced this man to you. This should, by default if you don't trust the imperial family, force you to question his motives. Is he just a proxy for the emperor? Is he telling the emperor everything we are saying after he leaves us? who are the other members of the nobility? They have zero intellectual curiosity when it comes to the Duke and it's inconsistent with how they treat everyone else.

No, let me correct that. There is one other person they have trusted for no specific reason, that is their guardian (BTW why do the two of them only have one guardian? Shouldn't they have two?). It's a bit less obvious since they have only really meet him twice, but they trusted his words enough to put a minimum amount of faith in them, but the plot convenience wiped that part of the story away within the same chapter, so you never had the chance to wonder "why do they trust the word of this stranger they just meet regarding the Emperor".

Again, all of this could be forgiven if they were just abused children, but the author is force feeding us the reincarnated plot line when it does nothing but hurt the story as told. It's completely irrelevant to their actions and thought process.
Sep 25, 2019
Thank you for the chapter!

As for the story, tbh it would've been better if it the twins weren't isekaied.
Apr 5, 2019
They kept mentioning how they were 23 or something before... but they are really acting like 5 year olds atm. It would be nice if the story could clarify why that is, I am assuming their own brains are holding them back. But it still would be nice to have the story confirm that they are not stupid.
Group Leader
Jun 21, 2018
Another isekai I read points out at the same issue but is well addressed. In that world building, apparently isekai-jin experience regression period where their mentality attunes to their younger body.

Still though, it's really stupid of them. Impery family treated them we'll but they didn't believe. Now comes a Duke spouting nonsense and they're all for it.
Sep 6, 2019
Why are people so upset over the twins actions. First off they’re not young adults idk where people are getting that from they were in their last year of high school. High schoolers can be very immature and they were reduced to babies and are now only grown to young children who were also abused. They had no avenue for the minds to mature on top of the abuse. Just realistically I could even bring to wrap my head around how going from normal teens to abused babies would effect the mind. Another point people are bring is them trusting this guys but not their family well of course they just heard their father would have killed them. The twins were warming up to the family but withdrew after that. It’s not like they’re jumping into the dukes arms he was just the first noble not to treat them like complete trash so they are neutral about him and now they like his most recent comments and how he “views” Illegitimate children. There were no negative feeling with him from the start versus being (in their eyes) abandoned by their family and then after starting to trust find out (again in their eyes) that they could have been killed off
Double-page supporter
Sep 28, 2018
First off they’re not young adults idk where people are getting that from they were in their last year of high school.
Chapter 1 Page 10.
They state they are mentally 25 years old.
Chapter 1 Page 9.
They state it is their 5th birthday.

25 - 5 = 20. Certainly that is young adult range.

Honestly you are considered a young adult in the last years of high school. 17-18 years old is a high school senior and is considered a young adult. In Korea you are officially an adult at 19. Also remember that in Korea you are born at 1 year old, not 0, so 19 in Korea is the same as 18 in the US or EU. Meaning they were certainly young adults.

Again, all of this doesn't matter if the author doesn't force isekai into the plot.
Group Leader
Jul 19, 2019
This definitely going nowhere. Your usual isekai would just either go full fluff route or full drama route. This one just stuck in the middle with no goal in sight.

I love your work guys but I can't continue with this. I'm dropping it.

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