The Twin Siblings’ New Life - Ch. 47

Dex-chan lover
Sep 11, 2018
@thegodemperor yup, I was saying that to fix these impossible plots. it was easier to think that they are normal children rather than isekai'd 15 years old twins who lived on normal lives before
May 17, 2018
@enyoteremchi see there isn't any problem with complaining about the writing and saying it's bad or something along those lines bc it def can be dreadful sometimes. Was mainly commenting about what seems to be a decent chunk of people who seem to think that just bc you are supposed to be this age mentally and all the side effects of being isekai'd haven't been laid out by the author, that they should just be immune to every and everything. Other than that I can kind of understand to an extent why the royals are so dense even though they are supposed to be crazy smart. Mainly because being book smart doesn't make you an empath or emotionally smart. We all see these dudes have no friends but each other and iirc they basically skip childhood into adulthood or their teen years? Ya see it all the time with people who are book smart and then just a bundle of pure logic but have no social skills to em. Not gonna say that it should shield the author from criticism on character development or lack thereof but all I can say is that it isn't too far off from reality to a decent extent either.
May 9, 2019
@Colomopri ohhh ya that makes sense. Tbh, the only thing that kinda makes it make sense is that they know better/know wrong from abuse so that's why they know to want to get away and whatnot. Children that grow up with abuse tend to act different (though that isn't a hard rule either).
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2020
Hello, i am the evil guy explaining my strange plot that will maybe hurt the imperial family for short while
while i lose everything i have
Aug 14, 2020
Like of course even a child will die if you stabbed then enough with a sword. Rather than doubt the emperial family's power I think I'd be sickened by seeing 2 innocent children hug up on the street. Who would want to follow a mad man like that?!
Oct 18, 2019
I was postponing to read this, hoping some chapters i saved up will have a clear misunderstanding, but I guess it’s still far away? 😂
Nov 10, 2019
@colomopri Agreed. These k webtoons sometimes just use isekai as a backstory for the sake of following the trend. Sometimes I even wonder if Kakaopage told their authors to write isekais 😂 It would've made so much more sense if they were normal kids.

@enyoteremchi LMFAO. I totally forgot the imperial family was supposed to be like geniuses genetically, and here they are, not only the kids but also the emperor, falling for such a cheap scheme from a totally suspicious person though there have been tons of evidences pointing at the guy. They're like, "oh yeah, he might be dangerous, let's lock him up casually without any guard". Istg sometimes I feel like Ishina's IQ is the highest around here, waaaay more than those so called 'genius' royals 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Mar 16, 2019
All of them are idiots. Omg, author. If you're going to write about an idiotic family, don't glorify them as geniuses nor make the main characters have the mental age of 23. Like honestly, just make them normal, cuz at this point they are less than normal.
Active member
Apr 25, 2018
Every single part of this is dumb. The Duke, the Emperor, all of the Emperors children, the twins, they're all completely braindead. If I wasn't procrasinating homework I would drop this in a heartbeat, but unfortunately I have no self control.
Sep 26, 2019
If I was the author of this story (sadly I'm not) the twins will be badass main characters. I will have great time writing and making them enjoy thier new world. I mean with their past lives and experiences how can they be this so stupid? 😤😤 The plot with the twin character is great but the character development is not. But I'm still reading this, well just wanna see the end of their story. 😅😅

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