The Villainess Lives Again - Vol. 1 Ch. 23

Dex-chan lover
Nov 18, 2019
mom a pig-teammate
@nursyasyi I think it's exactly that. the mom likes having Tia's life decisions in her hands. if she exhibits any sort of freedom, she's being disobedient and it's a "mother's right to discipline her children" in those situations. It's important that Tia doesn't exhibit behavior her mother doesn't accept, including socializing

her mom is hella insecure and abusive, her sense of gratification is letting out the anger/adrenaline and only the afterglow after that makes her stop. her mother's validation is having things go her way and no other way, that satisfaction seems to be her mantra of life and I like that the author hasn't done anything to shake readers from seeing her as a bad woman (even if the author introduces a tragic backstory, it isn't enough to negate what she is currently like"

ANYWAYS. I really like the alternative. super funny.
I hope the Duke holds Tia close and 'teaches' her how to take care of herself. like, just one moment of being recognized without all the political shenanigans. But knowing Tia, she'll just be more resolved to placing him on the throne, taking the positive energy and turning it into fuel for the model black-collared worker. I hope Tia finds attachment instead of the drive to repay others. (Her past life is such a big thing... the whole I wanted to hear "family" from dad thing)
I like the maid that's been recurrent. I don't think Tia will ever need a confidant, but a silly puppy can lighten the mood.
edit: @Keai you explain it way better than what I tried to do.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 21, 2018
@shinsenryuu She is unstable af. She wouldn't have even recognised that other people were present because she had tunnel vision towards Tia and only cared about venting her rage. She's insane after all.
Aggregator gang
Oct 20, 2018
Now that’s what I call Knight in shining armor. Thank you for the translation
Active member
Aug 20, 2019
"was this one of your strategies?" all she did was hold a damn tea party and got beaten to hell by her own mother for it - i don't care if it's a strategy, thats abuse and she needed to let other people (with power) know so she can escape from it... :/
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2019
 @BlueCatMage I think that's the whole point, the mother is a controlling abuser who acts on impulse when she's angry. She expects Tia to be a totally obedient robot that only serves her whims and orders, thus she gets angry when Tia does something independent like a tea party social and loses it. And as we've seen, Miraila loses it very easily when things don't go her way.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 19, 2018
I really don't get the mother, if she is an abusive mother why Lorence has a good treatment ? if it's because he is the prince Tia also have a good position. why isn't she good to both of them ? if Tia was loved she will take care of her mother, it's the same logic for her brother.
I really don'tget the difference in treatment, on paper the only think different between them is that Tia is a girl (yet she will inhirit her father's title so it doesn't matter I guess)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
Holy hell, that "mother" just beat the shit out of her in front of other people and was still beating her in front of the guy.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
Just execute the whore and dump her body into the slums - nobody would miss, and the emperor would never find out.
May 10, 2018

B*tch is insecure that Tia is getting attention. If I remember correctly in the previous chapters, she's just an attention wh*re.

The difference in treatment is disgusting and I don't like her "brother" as well. Basically her family is sh*t and can go burn in hell.
Aug 16, 2019
Welp, I imagine Cedric is gonna be pissed that Tia almost immediately went back on her word about not getting herself hurt.

In Tia’s defence, her mother was probably gonna snap and beat her again sooner or later (especially with her getting a fancy engagement bracelet, new clothes, bringing in her own people, etc.), so really Tia just expedited the timing of an inevitable beating to her advantage.

That said, one (probably Cedric lol) could counter that argument by saying the beating wasn’t inevitable at all. If Cedric had known about Tia getting regularly beaten by her mother, he would’ve moved her into his residence long ago.

But one (again, probs Tia) could counter this argument by saying that that would make him look bad. This way, he’s given justification for taking her out of there, and witnesses to boot. Putting a dent in her family’s reputation is just the icing on the cake.

Tho Cedric would just end this by saying there is no end which justifies the means if it means her getting hurt, full stop lol.

So really, Tia did the smart thing, but maybe not the right thing. (Lol, but as a reader, it was worth it to see Cedric drop that ‘Not anymore!’ line /swoons.)

My real concern is that hosting the tea party right when her mother is due to arrive seems a bit too obvious. Her mother would never catch on, but I’m worried Lawrence might. He should know all the things Tia can do to trigger their mother into violence just as well as Tia herself does.

Now there are just two questions - is Lawrence smart enough to question this ‘coincidence’, and if he is, does he know Tia’s intelligence well enough to understand she did it on purpose? I’m not sure, but it seems like so far in this timeline Tia’s scheming hasn’t become so infamous, so her brother might not know just how smart she is, and thus dismiss this incident as pure stupidity on her part.

I’m hoping for Tia’s sake that Lawrence underestimates her, because if not, this strategy could do more harm than good by tipping Lawrence off about her diverging loyalties early on.


I’d also like to add a thought that’s occurred to me before, but I really love how Cedric doesn’t have a big ego. He‘s not the least bit threatened by or judgemental about Tia using him for her schemes. If anything, he seems a bit in awe of her smarts. It’s just when she puts herself at risk that he gets pissed.

Of course, Cedric not being put-off by Tia’s manipulative nature makes sense considering my (imo, very tenable) theory that he was in love with her in the original timeline as well, but it’s still very nice to see a male lead who doesn’t feel the need to be the smartest potato in the room.
Nov 20, 2019
I can't believe she would just hit her in public, thought she would be smarter and not as impulsive as this ._.

It's great that the duke has good sense, he could tell it was one of Tia's plans. Hopefully he'll teach her that she's worth more than she thinks, cause having herself beaten and bruised till she got unconscious like that just for one of her plans/strategies, shows she probably doesn't think much of herself. That's just sad.
Apr 25, 2020
am I the only one that would be embarrassed af if someone caught me (especially someone I like) in the middle of a beating. if I was getting abusing and someone waltzed in I'd just play dead 😭😭
Feb 27, 2018
well, she's natural schemer that supported her brother until he became emperor, previously. no wonder about that :)
but i like smart girl :))
Nov 15, 2019

She never wanted Tia, thats the difference. Everybody knew the reason why she married the noble (Tia's father) and not the emperor himself was because the emperor placed her there to keep her close so they can continue their love affair. This was explained several chapter ago. Lawrance is the child of her and the emperor, while Tia is the child of her and the Marquess (whom she didn't wanted to it was the Marquess who needed an heir)


Her brother is the same actually, he was the one that executed her and placed all the blame on her after he become the King. He cut her tounge so she can speak, he did the same with her limbs and her legs. The difference was unlike their mother, Lawrance never showed this behaviour until she made him the King. She described him as "sadistic" and it was too late to see. Their mother is just the useless type that doesn't know tact and strategy of 'abusing' so her name is notorious in the kingdom (seen by how horrified the ladies that were invited upon hearing the madam comes back)

Lawrance got a name to protect.

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