About 45k (before taxes, and probably awkward legal questions about how you came into possession of such a gemstone...) for a year of your life. If you shave it off the end, that's not too bad a deal. If you assume 8 working hours a weekday, plus an hour for commute, you're recouping 45 hours a week, or 2,430 hours. If you sleep 8 hours a day, you get 3,484 hours of non-work/sleep time. You're only losing an effective ~30% of a year, when viewed in that respect, and the time you keep is when you're younger and healthier. Plus you get the money earlier, when there's more time to spend it on investments-- historical growth of the US market over long periods, accounting for inflation, is approximately 7% a year, compounded annually. After 20 years, you come out with about 3.9x the value. Not a bad deal at all... Now, if it prematurely aged you with all the negatives it came with, that's a whole different story.
...But man, while I love Chikotan, the entire premise of this one kind of makes me want to facepalm, and the first chapter didn't help at all.