There's No Way I Can Have a Lover! *Or Maybe There Is!? - Vol. 1 Ch. 8

Active member
Mar 11, 2019
This is so stupid... Cute but stupid...
Like, how are friends and lovers mutually exclusive?
Fed-Kun's army
May 13, 2019
Nearly an hour late but Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays @Xiaotiao.

Don’t let the whining and crying get you down, a good number of people don’t care for Mangadex politics. Seriously, we’re illegally reading this Manga for free and y’all wanna whine about who’s posted first? Go learn Japanese you clowns.
Apr 25, 2020
do you even read anything that i wrote
like "anything" at all?
should i don't think i should reply you anymore
the more i reply u the less sense u make for some unknown reason

first of i copy-paste it from the light novel
I'm not doing this via google translate only, that wont make any sense

how the F is dumping it in 1 go makes it more annoying when u get spam of 5 days in a row
" are you even human ?"

If you wanna jump into ur own conclusion u r free to do it

this is the last time I'll have anything to do with you
so be free and go wild with ur imagination
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 1, 2020
Things are somehow getting out of hand, ya'll are reading illegally here and have the audacity to complain? Damn
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2019
@GVDraco You do realize that the person "translating" this doesn't know Japanese? And that their "translations" are guesswork copy and paste from the light novel? If it was just a bad translation you might have a point, but this isn't a translation. If you look through comments on past chapters they've released people who can read Japanese have noted that the dialogue is wrong in places and leaves out things as well. This is worse than a machine translation, because it's largely guesswork.

It's not "Mangadex politics" to ask someone who doesn't know Japanese, and isn't really translating the manga to please make a group so people who want to read the actual manga, not someone's guess, can block them.
Fed-Kun's army
May 13, 2019
@manabi The fact that you even care enough to moan about getting essentially the same thing but faster is astonishing. If these copy/pastes from the LN made no sense whatsoever (Which you can’t even pretend is true. I’d bet that a vast majority of readers won’t notice a fuckin’ difference because so far the context of everything’s matched quite well) then you’d have some sort of point to these complaints.

As of now though? This is pointless bitching about Mangadex uploads. You know you can just IGNORE it right? Rather than harassing someone providing the Manga we read illegally faster.

If you honestly care that much about your Mangadex Notifications to constantly comment, just unfollow the Manga. You can still check the slower group’s progress for the “Real” illegal translations you crave.

Also no sh%t sherlock. This isn’t a translation and never has been, @xiaotiao has been pretty transparent about that. It’s still readable, and considering this Manga had gone untouched for a month+ before this started, I won’t complain.
Fed-Kun's army
May 13, 2019
@ Tuna_Kaslana Ikr? Mangadex makes me glad MangaRock didn’t have comments on mobile.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018
Even the mega-troll guy made the group SSSSS so people were able to block his output.
SteamedBunInvasion created his-or-her group before blocking of groups was enabled and before the idea had been discussed much-if-at-all; that one-member group was begun simply as part of his-or-her butt-wiggling. When group-blocking was enabled, SteamedBunInvasion was kinda stuck with it; in Bun's case, avoiding blocks by not using a group or by creating a new group would probably provoke the admins to adopt policy changes that would ban him-or-her altogether from uploading.
Group Leader
Apr 12, 2018
@Oeconomist so this is completely off-topic and had nothing to do with the rest of the thread, I'm just asking out of concern/curiosity, but have you considered simply using "they/them" instead of "his-or-her"? It may make your sentences sound a lot less clunky and awkward.

This isn't hostility btw I'm genuinely asking since I'm not sure if you have or haven't. Most people today recommend avoiding awkward language like "his or her" "s/he" etc.
Jun 15, 2019
@manabi translating from different languages are nothing new tho some chapters in love is war was translated from Korean or Chinese and people didn't mind even tho some joke were hard to understand!
Jun 15, 2019
@The_FallenAngel but this series never had one group translating from the start multiple group took over and some chapters even have translations done by multiple groups, and there's nothing wrong with that. What does mtl standfor?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018

Using the third-person plural as if it were a singular isn't less awkward, even if many people have been conditioned to accept it. And I always resist attempts to redefine words for ideologic purposes, which is largely what happened to “they”.
Apr 4, 2019

MTL stands for machine translations, so using Google translate for example. And while that is true, you'll notice that one group stopped after awhile. I thought AteTeenPlus did a decent job, but TZdY really does a phenomenal job in their uploads.

The big dispute here is that xiaotiao is not translating nor machine translating. He's copy-pasting dialogue from a translated light novel, which very likely contains inconsistencies with the manga (and, in my opinion, is really sketchy behavior). So there's little to no actual translating done on his part in his uploads. This also sets a precedent that I don't exactly support. I am tempted to not immediately condemn his behavior, but I would really prefer he made a group. Even if he is true to his word about it being the only time he uploads anything.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 24, 2019
@Oeconomist Fair enough, I wasn't a regular on Mangadex when all of SteamedBunInvasion's releases became such an issue. I was just glad I could block their group once I learned about it.

@ShineIsLight xiaotiao is not translating from any language. They are trying to match up panels with what they think are the same scenes in the light novel and copy/pasting that dialogue into the word balloons in the manga. This is the entire problem people like me have with their work: they simply aren't translations and therefore are highly inaccurate.

MTL stands for Machine Translation, which is where someone uses Google Translate and/or DeepL along with to try and translate the manga without knowing the Japanese language. The difficulty of that varies, depending on the manga, but at least they're running the actual Japanese dialogue through something to translate it. The results vary from pretty darn good and accurate to something that's basically fan fiction because they had to guess at the majority of the dialogue. People trying to make a legitimate effort to translate something usually don't do a release if they had to guess too often, but sometimes it happens. I don't have a problem with MTL when the person doing it is trying their best and is open about corrections, some of the manga I read are translated that way.

I do have a problem when the release is guesswork, no matter how that guesswork is created. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask someone putting out releases that are majority guesswork to make a group so I (and others) can block it and not see their guesswork. Note, I'm not asking them to stop releasing chapters, I'm asking them to use an existing tool on the site that lets people who don't want to read their releases not even see them. This isn't a big ask. My personal opinion is that if xiaotiao was doing this seriously, they would be happy to do so. Since they won't, I'm inclined to believe they're trolling with their releases.

So let me reiterate, xiaotiao's releases are not translations, and they are refusing to make a group so people can block their releases.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018
On the one hand, I think that the complaints about xiaotiao's project as such are ill-considered and often expressed with unwarranted rudeness. On the other hand, xiaotiao has declined not only to create a group but to use a group if one were created on his-or-her behalf. *shrug*
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2019
Don't you love it that you know how to code so that you can block retarded shit like this without relying on any feature from the site?

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