@Oeconomist Fair enough, I wasn't a regular on Mangadex when all of SteamedBunInvasion's releases became such an issue. I was just glad I could block their group once I learned about it.
@ShineIsLight xiaotiao is
not translating from any language. They are trying to match up panels with what they think are the same scenes in the light novel and copy/pasting that dialogue into the word balloons in the manga. This is the entire problem people like me have with their work:
they simply aren't translations and therefore are highly inaccurate.
MTL stands for Machine Translation, which is where someone uses Google Translate and/or DeepL along with Jisho.org to try and translate the manga without knowing the Japanese language. The difficulty of that varies, depending on the manga, but at least they're running the actual Japanese dialogue through
something to translate it. The results vary from pretty darn good and accurate to something that's basically fan fiction because they had to guess at the majority of the dialogue. People trying to make a legitimate effort to translate something usually don't do a release if they had to guess too often, but sometimes it happens. I don't have a problem with MTL when the person doing it is trying their best and is open about corrections, some of the manga I read are translated that way.
I do have a problem when the release is guesswork, no matter how that guesswork is created. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask someone putting out releases that are majority guesswork to make a group so I (and others) can block it and not see their guesswork. Note, I'm not asking them to stop releasing chapters, I'm asking them to use an existing tool on the site that lets people who don't want to read their releases not even see them. This
isn't a big ask. My personal opinion is that if xiaotiao was doing this seriously, they would be happy to do so. Since they won't, I'm inclined to believe they're trolling with their releases.
So let me reiterate,
xiaotiao's releases are not translations, and they are
refusing to make a group so people can block their releases.