This comic is life-changing.
This is such a beautiful journey. It is so perfect in every way. It shows what true love is. The bonds between the gorilla and his self truly Sparkle and shine and are so rich and heartfelt, it truly makes you think of this gorilla and his and your mortality. it is a 1 to 1 model for all of society and the problems we as people face on a day to day basis. Even if you never realized it. It tells people to dream, to pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars. The gorilla doesn't need a godsend to happen right now, we do. We need to wish to be like the gorilla, in perfect harmony and love. We need to strive to be like this gorilla.
Feel free to discuss more about the amazing beautiful online comic called (This gorilla will die in 1 day) more in the comments. Remember to spread the news about this to others so they too can come to realize its beauty.