Thank you for the TL!
GOD Miko is just such a good friend, endlessly supportive even to her own detriment, how can you not love her especially now that she's finally giving a push to the other two's relationship
Hinkao's progression to this point has been so natural, when you're this depressed and life feels as pointless as it has for her it can be really hard to get out of that bubble, and when you do finally escape and have to reconcile with the people you've hurt it doesn't get any easier. Being suicidal is often greatly selfish and self-centered, and it especially has been for Hinako. Her only now truly realising the nature of her actions is the very beginning of the healing process, but it'll get harder before it gets easier.
Speaking of reconciling, I imagine Shiori's not going to take this confession, whether Hinako says love or not, very well considering we've spent the past 18 chapters showing her despairing about the pledge they made, but she knew it was an inevitability just by the nature of the pledge itself, from Hinako's despair comes hope, and Shiori's hope will meet despair. It's hard to gauge whether a pledge like that can truly be broken but..