I really don't get the hate, but
no matter. The comic is
refreshing and takes the story in
unexpected and
insightful ways by effectively making a
Star Ocean like crafting ability a major plot focus and thus having the main protag have value, but in an unexpected way.
I've been reading
another https://mangadex.org/title/23013/the-vengeful-white-cat-lounging-on-the-dragon-king-s-lap series where the protag is secretly
the one with the real abilities, but here it seems that her abilities are just as they appear—
support. She'll probably have to cook for the "Priestess" in order for said character to use her powers, but even so, she isn't flat (character wise—stop think about bust lines you
fan service 😂 obsessed miscreants! Back to work!).
I'm interested to see the characters develop and find the literal white knight (northern frost giant of a bishi w/o Loki's panache for evil doing) endearing in his overprotective gruffness. I await the OBNOXIOUS blonde 😂 having his heel-faced-turn moment in coming chapters, particularly, when he helps protect her through a
hypocritically heartwarming moment of feels!
We shall see!