This Time I Will Definitely Be Happy! - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2018
.... why not turn it into yuri???

EDIT: or that she'll have better luck with the demon king? Those tropes would be better than something random

That's exactly what I don't want...
Aggregator gang
Nov 13, 2018
I bet she plays a bigger role in the reincarnation and selection of the hero process than she knows.

I also bet that he assumed that she moved on in past lives, which influenced why he married other women. But now he's probably gonna see her not waiting for him and have to feel the same pain she did.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@starred1: "[...] And if so was it in the same town each time?[...]"
I highly doubt that part. Imagine 4 heros being born in that village/town in conclusion. That Village would become a pilgrimage site, then the place every noble wants to live, so that their children might turn out to be the next Hero, then the Holy City and might now be in transition of becoming the capital.
But I'd love to see the past lives histories.

@GruntZone360: You mean my FMC+FMC's harem vs. Hero's harem prediction? Somewhere I also dearly hope it doesn't become true. XD
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Welp, tell me shoujo reincarnation and you've already got my interest. I can already feel the dense protagonist tag coming but in this case I can't blame her. Three lifetimes left behind without a single word, not even an"sorry I was forced to marry the princess for political reasons".
Dec 23, 2018
I think it's great that she's doing something for herself. She doesn't have to fall in love again immediately (I'd rather she didn't), what's important is that she's not leaving herself in a position where all she does is rely on others. This way, after three lifetimes of essentially living the exact same way (as a villager in a small village), she'll be able to experience something different. "Wait for me" shouldn't be equivalent to "let your life stagnate for years on end while I go out and see the world and meet new people" anyway. He wouldn't be the same even if he did come back, why should she be?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 2, 2018
She should beg the hero to be part of his harem, why doesnt she understand that the hero is an alpha
Apr 8, 2019
It's always the childhood friend that gets ditched in manga
I dub it CFD, childhood friend disease, this is the worst case I've seen may her soul be blessed.
Feb 24, 2018
I'm a strong independent woman who don't need a man.

Also let's go the Yuri route. 🤔
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
@Milodar He doesn't have to keep his old memories. He could mess up and forget her/be forced into something every time just by nature. Which doesn't really excuse causing her such pain, but would at least salvage a potential romance.

If she's the only one who remembers, then I could see her fate as a blessing disguised as a curse. The goddess keeps giving her a chance for happiness with the hero and, although he messes up each time because he's an idiot, they indeed fall in love every time.
Double-page supporter
Jul 29, 2018
I think most authors low-key resent their childhood friends for not liking them back and falling in love with someone else.
Why else would you make the character that has the longest history and strongest bond always lose? They should at least win sometimes.
Aug 4, 2018
@Qelix Lol, that's true. I didn't really think of that. Also I know a hero only comes once every hundred years and she dies early but is the last one still alive? Or maybe not if she comes either 100 years after she died or maybe after he dies.


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018

I regret to inform you that I have no idea what ancient meme are you talking about.

All I was trying to do was try and make an RPG-like job change chart to the best abilities this comment section allows me to. (e.g kind of like RO, Dragon Nest, where you job change to one thing and get locked out of the other job trees)

In this case, Graham who took the job as a Hero would either come back with another girlfriend, changing his job into Graham the Arse

Or he would come back looking for his girlfriend only to find his girlfriend with someone else, changing his job into Graham the Pitiful
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@Nep: I got the meaning of that RPG-like Character Job Evolution Chart in first place and thought and still think it is hilarious, because it is a unique and most ideal way to describe the ways, it can go for the hero from now on. As I enjoyed it so much, that old meme came into my mind.

Back in the days, when I came across the meme for the first time, "Winning one internet" or "Winning the internet" meant, that the "winner" had posted something especially good and was well acknowledged by the awarder.

Take your damn Internet! You've earned it! 🤣
Jan 30, 2018
this is good.

i hope the next chap will have a bigger page than an ant

thx for bringing this Not Scans

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