This Time I Will Definitely Be Happy! - Vol. 3 Ch. 15

Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
OKAY. This fills in a lot of the missing blanks. For starters, Graham is the 7th Hero. In other words, Louisa has four lifetimes' worth of memories unaccounted for. Probably for the best.
I'm going to assume, then, that the people that become Louisa's lovers are chosen as the hero because she subconsciously transfers her power over to them.
All in all a fascinating setup.

I mean, the king was scum, but I'm more wondering how he got the mob to kill the girl in the first place. From the sound of it, she was just murdered and nothing else, which...I mean, you know it's awful when the immediate reaction is "thank god".

@Sefferis Well, we don't know what the power balance was that long ago.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 5, 2019
@Sefferis well... lets look at a time to kill perspective. if the king wanted to 'save face' or whatever, how long would it take for him to assemble a group of morons to listen to him, toss the girl to them, and then for them to kill her? if the church didn't know exactly what was happening, and thought that she would be safe next to the king, im guessing in the span of 2-5 minutes she could have been killed where no one in the church could have done much.

Just because you have power/are powerful doesn't mean you are necessarily protected, now, how powerful the church is would definitely have ramifications after the king did that.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 11, 2018
Ehh... I'm not sure how I feel about everything being caused by shitty royalty. Like, the bit where the king had the main character's original incarnation killed just to save face (?) was some pretty pointless villain shit.
Active member
Apr 19, 2018
An interesting point is that the King who stole the wife of the demon king and the king who threw the summoned girl to the mob is likely the same person (unless they waited a couple decades with the summoning for whatever reason).

So they had 800 years of terror because of 1 stupid King.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 21, 2018
I had a hunch this would take a semi isekai turn. But to know how shitty the circumstances were to end up like so, and it seems like over the 800 years or so the whole plot repeated.
Hero is called, lover (reincarnation) gets tossed aside later and killed in most heinous ways and the whole shebang repeats. Perhaps thing will change this time or when the demon king of old finds peace?

Time will tell.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 11, 2018
Not far fetched, but weakly justified in my opinion. When an important and traumatic event happens to the main character, I'd like if there were more reasons for it to happen than one character being stupid and evil. Otherwise it tends to come off as just pointlessly tragic, that is to say that it happened just because the story needed it to happen.
Mar 1, 2018
yikes this was almost good but i couldnt accept "king thinks relying on a foreign girl could damage our reputation".
excuse me werent the first plan is to ask her to defeat the demon king, this forced nonsense is what the author choose to go with.
Active member
Jan 6, 2019
Sometime, it only take one fool to make everything turn into mess, especially a fool with power in hand...


Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
They called her "the goddess angel" but the church didn't protect her while the knight was away? Didn't they make a previous point about how the church is equal in power to the king, or did I mix this up with other novels?
At this time , the church and the King are separated. But maybe in those days (800 years ago) the king was supposed to be a saint of the Goddess. That would also explain the reason he considered her a damage his reputation.


Dex-chan lover
Sep 21, 2018
As usual, all it takes is for one idiot to start apocalyptic level events.

Also, it seems to be official that Graham here is fated to job change into Graham the Pitiful.

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