This Time I Will Definitely Be Happy! - Vol. 3 Ch. 16

Active member
Mar 30, 2018
Goddess summons an 18 yr old human with no combat training what so ever. And she is surprised that Jun died so quickly? Damn, this is one dumb goddess. I mean she could have intervened and protected Jun like she did with the kid priestess attacked but nope.
May 8, 2019
Hmmm … … … So with 15 + 16, i get the impression that.

She was forced away from her husband by the king, raped by the king and killed by the king.
Then reincarnated in japan, summoned back to the world, tasked with killing her husband, by having her power stolen. Only to be rewarded with sentenced to Death.
And to top it off, the godes incist on reincarnate her, just to have her soul crush her husband ???
Double-page supporter
Jul 3, 2018
I see literally no reason to hide the fact that the goddess clearly said "He said he couldn't bear to forget you" or "I would never put her through that" or something along those lines. ooOOooo it's myyyyystery as if we're going to have some big reveal on what his words are at some point. No, it really isn't.
That said, thanks for the chapter! We still got a solid amount of exposition done.

@firosahoge Shhhh, we're not supposed to point out that glaringly obvious plot hole. It was a very noble sacrifice and there definitely wasn't anything they could have done about it.
Apr 21, 2018
My impressions to these last two chapters is that the first king created the demon from NTRing the wife then asked the goddess to fix the issue. Since the power needed to defeat the demon king was in another world Jun was summoned. Comes with the knight receiving the power from the real hero was left with some powers was most likely an insurance by the goddess to keep her safe but not expecting that human greed and pride caused the second coming of the demon king.

Comes the second and third generations of heroes were most likely told by the decendent kings told the heroes to keep away from the girl that was the reincarnated to keep the demon king from finding out was most likely totured and experimented on to forcely remove the abilty to kill the demon king. Seeing the goddess thought that the first time the king was against foreigners killing the demon king probably thought it would be a great idea to reincarnate as part of the population instead would fix this issue. Which is why she made sure that the second and third was sealed for sure execpt the first as she needed her to remember the spell.

The heroes after second generation of heroes being betrayed by the royal family mostly likely from third to sixth heroes, made sure that no one would remember execpt for a few selected individuals. Is what is telling me seeing how the fourth fifth and sixth married into royality was power and delete history. As the way to destory a civilization is by changing history for future generations.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
I’m finding it very difficult to find that world worth saving. In fact, it looks like she’s trapped in an unending purgatory or hell.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2019
My guess? The world won't come to an end, but the goddess will.

She was likely supposed to watch over that world and protect it. But due to, frankly, incredible negligence on her part, things were slowly being pushed to the edge. The civilisations feels stagnated and on the verge of being destroyed. But not in the way that would end the whole world.

My guess is that other 'gods' aren't very happy about the Goddess and are likely on the verge of removing her. Forcing her to finally take some action, rather than just going hush hush over everything.

I don't trust her for even a split second. If she can seal memories, it would be a simple case of simply dealing away the traumatic parts rather than an entire life of memories, that way, the Reincarnator could at least be mentally prepared in some way. Hell, slowly unsealing her memories so she can strengthen her own psyche would be ideal, so long as she was warned beforehand.
Aggregator gang
Aug 8, 2018
I'm actually surprised that the church isn't evil and are actually trying to be helpful
Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2018
I wonder if Grahm simply figured out that the MC usually died a horrible death by assassination/murder the previous six times. There's little point in sealing your memories to keep somebody safe if a different threat is always stabbing that person behind your back.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
She is saying she can't do anything, but it was her assigned job from the beginning... And the more [lifetimes] she delayed it by shifting responsibility on so called "hero" - the more difficult it became.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
While the words of the goddess are sweet and "reasonable", nothing will shake my opinion of her that she's a bad person.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
@kwendy To be fair it seems like the plan went wrong the first time thanks to the royals and after that nothing was done to fix it. The memory seal was placed and obviously that itself was a bad idea.

This whole thing was the goddess not understanding humanity well enough.
Double-page supporter
Feb 12, 2018
Yep goddess is shady as fuck.
The fact that she only appears now after everything is revealed is already shady fact number 1
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
@Sakuratea she did say that remember her pasts can fuck her soul, so maybe coming at the wrong time would have killed MC.

wonder if Graham did have his memories locked but he loves Louisa so much that it broke the lock on his memories of her.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 6, 2019
so was the king and the rest of the royal family other than the high priestess killed then?
Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2018
The fact that the goddess said she can only manifest as a reflection shouldn't be discounted. While she is powerful, it seems like she can't interfere much with puny mortals.
it's probably similar to how you aren't supposed to look directly at Zeus so that your brain doesn't explode. She COULD jump down and directly interfere, but it would cause mass collateral damage which is why she sends out "champions/angels" aka summoned people instead.
But then the stupid humans had to screw things up and her only way of safely fixing this clusterfuck is to send a new summoned person down. After the way things went for the last person she probably figured that this is a bad idea which is why the Demon King has been able to run around for so long.

We need some clarification as to whether or not Jun's final spell is purification or destruction. Destruction is much more of a quandary as the Demon King's anger is reasonable.

One major thing i've been questioning for a while is what the point of keeping the Demon King away from her is. I would think that she could theoretically reason with him or talk him out of it but I guess lives #2 and #3 are probably going to reveal that as a bad end.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2018
@Merilirem Well, first sign something is wrong is that the world needed interference from outworlder, but that is common for any isekai. I am just pointing out that heroine added her input into piggy-bank of awful desisions lead to current situation.
Active member
Nov 19, 2018
So the royal family has "Attoned" by maintaining their royal status and making the previous heroes forget her, also, in some cases, even marrying the hero to the princess. And they'd do it again this generation? not even try to make her life be good, wow, very good attonement, super wow.

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