Hmm... Että semmonen. Paljon hyviä jutskia ja odotti mielellään seuraavaa sivua. 900:n tienoilla odotti vielä menevän yli tuhannen jonka jälkeen aikaisintaan alkaisi huipennus eli loppunousu kohti päätöstä josta olisimme saaneet nautiskella suorastaan herkutella lukijoina. Mutta kävikin toisin. Syitä ja suunnitelmia tietämättä kävikin toisin ja vaikka olisikin voinut mennä huonomminkin niin väkisinkin tulee mieleen että tämä on juosten kustu. Hyvä sarja muuten. Olen kokonaisuuteen tyytyväinen.
Shit right here is why I look for stuff with an already established romance or the beginning of one. What was that? 900 pages of will they won't they then 50 pages of kinda sorta couple shit? Drives me nuts. Glad I skipped like half of it.
The author is really great at making short comics but when it comes to planning a serie, it becomes bland and boring pretty fast. Most of it because all male characters are badly written, especially Jun who got zero chemistry with Tomo. You can see how much the author didn't care about the guys and focused on the girls who are cute and interesting instead.
@InfiniteVerisimilitude Fair enough, but after such a long run, I was really hoping for a better ending than this. The complete lack of closure and almost lackadaisical approach to the crux of the story, just feels wrong. I will acknowledge that some of it is the high expectations that come with what one perceives to be a good work, but still, too many rushed endings have haunted my reading list.
Once again confirmed that I hate manga readers. So much disgust for people who only have nasty things to say and make themselves hard to satisfy for no good reason.
Then again, it could always be the same vocal minority who acts like this so maybe I am being unfair to a larger fraction of you guys. But this is far from the first time.
Doesn't really feel finished tbh. Love the story the whole way, lots of good humor. What really is lacking is more closure with the rest of the cast and maybe even more couple experiences with Tomo and Jun. The Christmas mini-arc was great and it felt like it got scraped midway. There was lots of room for more story to be told, this ending really feels like a huge blueball to the readers.
I've sat on this ending for a while and I have to say
It is one of the most anticlimactic endings to a series I have ever read (incompleted/cancelled works dont count)
I really hope the mangaka makes an sequel or epilogue to this cause as it stands this ending drops the whole manga by like 2 points
Maybe we were goin to get cucked by this mangaka all along