Why? All the bad things we know about Shiho was told to us by someone else.
If we look purely at her actions and not what we've been told, theres a lot less evidence that shes a traitor
This is still the best arc from this series, with the round 3(Yuuichi and Tenji) following in the second.
There was only 1 fake key around at a time. Once the owner of the fake key got exiled, Yuuichi distributed more. Also, not everyone have the fake key.
Really nice ending. Somewhat of a happy ending. Yuuichi really went, "Maximise benefits while doing least harm", directly or indirectly. Yet his methods are evil. Definitely an interesting person.
@Raydnt even so, even If all the things that other people were lies or things far from the truth-- its so obvious that Shiho KNEW that because of her friends playing the tomodachi game, and in one way or the otbher their parents finding out that they played it, they're family literally died. she knew that her friends dads would die because of her father, and she didn't say a word. even if she's this little sweet girl that the manga showed her to be in the beginning, whether she's sweet or not doesn't matter because she allowed this shit to happen.
@Raydnt yeah...I just finished the gambling arc and can kinda of? see why ppl think Shiho is okay...but my point still stands. ill come back tho if something else happens that changes my opinion.