I agree with Lavnaz. I mostly dislike the author for writing such bad female characters. I don't like how the majority of the time they're damsels in distress who can't match up to the supreme intelligence of Yuuichi. Bob is also treated terribly in regards to sexualization as well. I'm almost every chapter she's in there's at least one panel of her being sexualized or sexually harassed. The groping scene in this chapter also made me feel pretty disgusted on how it was just played off as a joke. The writing is also kinda getting a bit repetitive too. You can almost always tell who's going to win in the end, the protag Yuuichi. Everything is always according to keikaku. Tbh the only reason I'm still hanging onto this is because I want to see what happens to Kei. I have a dumb love for short genius mischievous characters. Hope it'll pick up soon
”supreme intelligence” lol

I can’t really disagree with your comment, but. Did you not know what kind of manga this was? Or that it was a manga? Cute shy tiddymonster = fanservice bait. Like, 99.99% of the time. There was a half naked adolescent on the cover, even. Just, straight-up bare kiddy-ass

. And the protag is always gonna pull through in the end, that’s how it works. We’re here for the ride, and, personally, the amazing faces he pulls.