I don't know if you know this, but it's more than likely that Jesus was not actually born on Christmas. He was more than likely born in the spring. Guess where Easter falls?
Are you suggesting that Jesus was born on Easter? LOL that's so stupid. Jesus was born on a holiday that moves. You don't know anything about Christianity and now make this stupid theory cause you though Easter was the birthday of Jesus. Easter is related to Passover, and guess what, Passover moves each year. Jesus was executed on a Friday (Good Friday) and resurrected on a Sunday.
Besides the fact there is no reason Jesus couldn't have been born in December or January (Gregorian/Julian calendar). Judea during that time isn't as cold as many think, and sheep have wool that protects them. More time sheep graze the less hay you have to make for them, which makes it easier. Those that say the shepherd letting sheep graze during Jesus' birth doesn't mean it couldn't have happened during winter.
"Just go read a wikipedia article" is not a valid argument where I come from. You're not even giving me a section.
And I'm telling you to read it cause a whole article existing about calculating the date of Easter shows how important it is. You cannot change the date as you see fit.
No Christian Group? You're joking right? You do realize how many Christian Groups have separated because of things more petty than a date right?
Which would you consider the Sabbath? Sunday, or Saturday?
Easter is a tradition, not a condition. You seem to think it's a sin to celebrate it at a separate time.
It is a sin to celebrate it on another date. Find me a Catholic school that will move the date for celebrating Easter just to accommodate some kids. The reason Orthodox and Catholics celebrate it on different dates is cause they use different calendars, Julian for Orthodox and Gregorian for Catholics. They still use pretty much the same formula to calculate when it will fall. And again, could a random school decide to make Monday the Sabbath day? The fact that groups separated over "petty things" shows how important they are, or they wouldn't separate over them.
You same as the author have a very limited understanding of Christianity. The school he set it in is a Catholic school, Catholicism is dogmatic, meaning any changes to the dogma, to the celebration, rituals and dates, cannot come from anyone else then the Pope.
Again, they said they would move Easter, not add more days where they don't have to go to school after the holiday or before. They said move Easter. Before you comment on anything explain to me how a Catholic (importance, Catholic) school would be able to move a holiday and celebrate it and do all the religious ceremonies associated with it to another date. Find me a Catholic school that did that, you said you lived near liberal catholic schools, check with them if they ever did that, or if they would ever do that. They would laugh you out of the room.