So, I will talk a bit about this manga.
Well for starters, this is an absolute piece of garbage, story wise. There is no plot, there is no caracter development, there is absolutly nothing good on this part.
However though, this is like this if you look at it like a manga, don't do this as it is a pice of gabarge otherwise, but you should see it as a Hentai, yes, because it is lewd to the point that it is actually explicit, and for a hentai, it has an avarage storytalling, not it focus after all.
Sadly is that there isn't a lot of it, só meh; what I can say however is that because the "bad guys" are... well, worse then in hentais actually, they are just there for being there, literally, not even joking, that makes that ch15 and the one where he gets "atacted" for no reason in the guild, just skipable, just do it, there is no content, at all, you will lose nothing doing it.
Resumen: this is a hentai that wants to be a manga but fails miserably
Extra: for a "good point", it is ok at being fluid, the chapters that he managing or just talking to the girls are nice to read.
Personal extra: If you are one of those who believes that "this is good because people watchs it" then I must say that you as garbage as its content... People watches everything, from torture to priest doing werever, this is popular because people have hopes that it will be the new no game no life, konosuba or overlord, even if they know it wont be like this, this genre is amazing and has so much potencial that makes people hope for it. Those who are just like "oh, yes I can be like this" are a minority, and yes "1m" may seem like a lot, but 1milhon from 7 milhon are but 1/7, in other words, a minority none the less.