Training Regimes of the World’s Strongest Women - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Strange Circumstances

Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2023
Considering I've been reading manga for 25 years and I've done scanlating and know basic Japanese, I can confidently say that I know most of these words and more probably more than the average reader. That doesn't mean that I don't find it uneccessary. Especially in licensed works, where you approach a broader audience overseas, I think it's pretty bad if it's not proper localized to be understandable by the general public.
I think people overestimate how important these nuances are for the general understanding, and underestimate how alienating they can be for a new reader. Gatekeeping and elitism in the form of expecting that you know words like this most likely ruins the experience for a lot of new readers that's not interested in Japan but Japanese comics. Like they would be interested in Belgian-French comics and not Belgia and France.
Like I don't even watch anime dubbed, I always watch subbed and listen to what they say in addition. Still I think that they should do localization correctly in the subs.
you keep saying you've been reading manga for 25 years and act like that makes you an authority on anything, but then go on to say that you still watch anime subbed. Doubt. Also what series have you TLed in your 25 years of bullshit?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
Considering I've been reading manga for 25 years and I've done scanlating and know basic Japanese, I can confidently say that I know most of these words and more probably more than the average reader. That doesn't mean that I don't find it uneccessary. Especially in licensed works, where you approach a broader audience overseas, I think it's pretty bad if it's not proper localized to be understandable by the general public.
I think people overestimate how important these nuances are for the general understanding, and underestimate how alienating they can be for a new reader. Gatekeeping and elitism in the form of expecting that you know words like this most likely ruins the experience for a lot of new readers that's not interested in Japan but Japanese comics. Like they would be interested in Belgian-French comics and not Belgia and France.
Like I don't even watch anime dubbed, I always watch subbed and listen to what they say in addition. Still I think that they should do localization correctly in the subs.

and depriving those new readers of the chance to learn some basic Japanese stuff would be a bad thing to do.

honestly i dont really care that the TLer went with Ms. in the chapter. i just care that you're being an ass to people who do like it when TLers keep japanese things (like honorifics and words like Onee-san or Okaa-san) in their translations. i get that the first guy was also being an ass but there's no reason for you to be an ass to others.

btw im pretty sure your comment
[I've tried removing all kinds of honorifics and Japanese words as much as I can because it's cringe appeasing to weebs. And it looks stupid.]
is actual gatekeeping. not only did you insult people that like it when TLers keep honorifics in their TLers (and you also indirectly insulted said TLers who keep those things in their TLs) but you're also insulting the Japanese by saying their honorifics/language "look stupid". be better Hans.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2019
and depriving those new readers of the chance to learn some basic Japanese stuff would be a bad thing to do.

honestly i dont really care that the TLer went with Ms. in the chapter. i just care that you're being an ass to people who do like it when TLers keep japanese things (like honorifics and words like Onee-san or Okaa-san) in their translations. i get that the first guy was also being an ass but there's no reason for you to be an ass to others.

btw im pretty sure your comment
[I've tried removing all kinds of honorifics and Japanese words as much as I can because it's cringe appeasing to weebs. And it looks stupid.]
is actual gatekeeping. not only did you insult people that like it when TLers keep honorifics in their TLers (and you also indirectly insulted said TLers who keep those things in their TLs) but you're also insulting the Japanese by saying their honorifics/language "look stupid". be better Hans.
People don't read manga to learn Japanese.
You obviously don't know what gatekeeping is.
I've never said that using Japanese honorifics when speaking or writing Japanese looks stupid. You're grasping at straws at this point.
Considering how ridiculously hostile people have been in this thread and mocking the translator of this chapter, I really don't think I'm the asshole here. And I've written sound arguments for my opinions. I can't say that for a lot of the others.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 19, 2023
Damn, anyways

The mystery about the main character is interesting, I do hope this cringe school arc ends soon because it doesnt serve any purpose anymore, or it might get milked for 2 important characters and hundreds of side characters

See you all in the next one my friends
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
People don't read manga to learn Japanese.
You obviously don't know what gatekeeping is.
I've never said that using Japanese honorifics when speaking or writing Japanese looks stupid. You're grasping at straws at this point.
Considering how ridiculously hostile people have been in this thread and mocking the translator of this chapter, I really don't think I'm the asshole here. And I've written sound arguments for my opinions. I can't say that for a lot of the others.
Nah you’ve definitely been the most assholish person in this thread and yeah you did say that honorifics are stupid. Why are you trying to deny what you said when Anyone can see what you typed?

Sound arguments require evidence to back it. All you’ve said is that not localizing a series is stupid and is just to appease the weebs. All you’ve done is stated your opinion and been an asshole. Do better Hans.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
Considering how ridiculously hostile people have been in this thread and mocking the translator of this chapter
A single person actually mocked the translator and that’s the person you originally responded to. There’s a second person who was commenting on the quality of the translation but didn’t say anything about the translator themselves. Why you gotta lie like that?

As for hostility, you brought that on yourself Hans when you insulted readers, that like it when honorifics and some Japanese words are kept in a translation, and translators who like to keep that stuff in their works. Be an ass to people and said people are going to chew your dumbass out for it.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
People don't read manga to learn Japanese.
You obviously don't know what gatekeeping is.
I've never said that using Japanese honorifics when speaking or writing Japanese looks stupid. You're grasping at straws at this point.
Considering how ridiculously hostile people have been in this thread and mocking the translator of this chapter, I really don't think I'm the asshole here. And I've written sound arguments for my opinions. I can't say that for a lot of the others.
Having sat and read through this entire argument, I can safely say that there was initially only one comment that actually insulted the TLer (and even then, it could easily be interpreted as just a complaint using somewhat brusque casual language, hardly what I'd call "mocking"). I think there was another that was indirectly insulting the TLer, but it was part of a general sweeping statement about "respecting poor performance in translation".

Other than that, the only mocking that has occurred here (outside of a couple people mocking entire sides of the debate or the debate as a whole) has consisted of you acting aggressively towards and insulting other people, and other people responding to you in kind.
You're the one who first escalated (first one to break out the swears, first one to call others "retard", etc.), and those replying to you held on to giving clear, level-headed arguments for much longer than you did. Throughout the whole debate, those arguing against you have, overall, kept their cool and behaved in a calm, collected manner significantly more than you have.

So while you're technically not wrong that people have been quite hostile in this thread, the "people" mentioned there largely consists of you. Looking at it, it seems like you actually are the asshole here.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2019
Looking at it, it seems like you actually are the asshole here.
And that's why you partake in a discussion you have nothing to do with and wasn't included in? You had the need to talk someone down even though it wasn't directed at you?
Pot calling the kettle black.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 24, 2019
Here’s a quote that describes you rather well

Abraham Lincoln - “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt”
I'm too lazy to find a quote for you and I'm tired of spending time on you that you don't deserve. I can use my time on better things than on people that can't tolerate that people have different opinions than them. You'd think this was even something that mattered.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2018
And that's why you partake in a discussion you have nothing to do with and wasn't included in? You had the need to talk someone down even though it wasn't directed at you?
Pot calling the kettle black.
This conversation, which is taking place in a public forum designed for free-flowing discussion between anyone who might stop by, has as much to do with me (a frequent manga reader, with my own set of thoughts and preferences regarding translation and overlocalization) as it does any other participant, yourself included. You didn't have to respond to the original comment (which was directed at the scanlation team and not you) after all, just like I didn't have to respond to you. But you did, and I did, and that's just how conversations in these kinds of forums go.

As for this:
You had the need to talk someone down even though it wasn't directed at you?
I'm not sure if you meant to put "talk down to someone" (i.e. speak in a condescending way), or if you actually did mean it in the sense of "talking someone down from something". If it's the former, I don't believe I was particularly condescending in my comment, and I tried to keep my tone as level as possible.
If it's the latter, then implies there was something for you to be talked down from in the first place, which to me feels like you're unintentionally acknowledging that you really have been notably aggressive in this whole discussion.

Lastly, regarding the particular line you quoted, you were the one who originally presented the idea of "I really don't think I'm the asshole here."
I simply pointed out that you were mistaken in that belief, and I elected to use your original phrasing to do so.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2021
Seeing the Vol 2. cover make me dont want to read the rest. What kind of bs is this? I dont care what kind of back story this girl has. She doesn't have the right to do that kind of things to others. If this typical shonen mc befriend that Girl by the end of this Volume, I'm done with this manga. I'm pretty sure he will, fml. Why do I even bother reading shonen mangas.
And what the hell is the point of the circle on the head of the mc? Looks out of place and its pissing me off for some reason.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
I'm too lazy to find a quote for you and I'm tired of spending time on you that you don't deserve. I can use my time on better things than on people that can't tolerate that people have different opinions than them. You'd think this was even something that mattered.
I don’t tolerate assholes. If you don’t like that then stop being an asshole to other people. You can deny that you are one but it’s pretty obvious seeing as you said that the Japanese system of honorifics were stupid and you’ve lashed out at everyone that’s called you out for your stupidity
Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
I call the 'Hero' isn't the actual descendant of the Hero, but he is instead
Dex-chan lover
Apr 21, 2019
Hope Giselle is part of the harem. She has the best design. Looks like Mordred from fate.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 5, 2024
Because they specifically mentioned the awakening of a unique skill due to a near-death experience in the one lecture we see Cross in at school, I'm willing to bet that he had a unique skill awaken during the incident with the hydra at the beginning of the story.

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