On chapter 10 and, what a dumb problem. In the first place, why would he get made fun of for being gay? Technically he's not even gay because he didn't now that the video game character was a guy at the Tim -no one did-. In real life, it'd probably be a short running joke in his friend group or something. Also nothing wrong with being gay mind you. And maybe they explain this later in the story, but why does she want to know Kobinata's gender in the first place? What's the point? It's just a problem out of nothing -why would you risk the reputation that you built up just to ease your curiosity? It just doesn't make any sense. He also does have a right to refuse, don't know why he wouldn't. It just doesn't make any sense, ARGH!
Anyways the trap is a 10/10. -IGN
Edit: Read a bit more. Have some more things to say. First of all, stupid problem. Everyone lies, what's the big deal? Second, why did he need the skirt? Should probably read farther in. Again, I don't get why the black-haired girl would risk everything just to know someones gender, like C'mon. Why is the dude being potentially gay thing even a problem? You have a guy friend that's gay, cool. You accept traps and even BL, but you can't handle gays? What the fuck? Anyways, traps are still a 10/10. -New York Times.
Edit 2: That problem still seems like it was just added information the sole purpose of leading to the next event. No matter how ridiculous it is. Lies were never focused on being a really bad issue, and the flashbacks didn't help that case. There are other things I would've added, but I forgot and am too lazy to try to remember. Ah whatever. All's well that ends well.
Traps are the fucking best. -Joe