It's especially weird because the kanji is 疑惑 (ぎわく/giwaku), which can mean [doubt; misgivings; distrust; suspicion].
I don't think 'truth' is an acceptable English equivalent of any of those, but maybe the scanlation team can correct me on this.
If the next 2 chapters still make no sense , I will drop this. The first 10 chapters were so good, then the author decided to pull this shit repeatedly, new questions and asspulls but no answer to anything.
This manga is seriously starting to piss me off with it's round about nothing of a plot. Stop playing games, stop leading the MC by the hand, get something done already! Geez.
Putting 250 psychopathic yandere into the same school and then having them all make dating profiles would be a fun as hell psychological experiment. Especially if one guy decided to be an idiot and try to swipe right on all of them... @mickl3
tbh i have no idea what's going on anymore, this is becoming one of those series which you have to finish in one go to make sense of anything, multiple loose ends are fine but it's getting ridiculous to keep up with it. gotta read it again one of these days