Tsuihou Suru Gawa no Monogatari

Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2023
As many have said, this might be the biggest pile of shit story I've ever wasted a moment of my life on.

This is "JP/KR not being cucks challenge = Impossible: The manga" :kek: :kek: :kek: Imagine reading NTR, and this one just repulsed me how hypocritical they were. Actually trash. Daru is a pussy to an extent himself for not manning up and admitting what a POS he is, clearly author self insert. :dogkek:

Instant 1 star, and unlike many people I don't hand out 9 or 10s randomly to good series either. A lot of 4-7s, sometimes and 8 from me. This one was so horribly executed, regardless of the creators intent that it's an easy 1 star for me.

4.03 and counting. I agree with everyone who gave this anything under a 2.
Jan 6, 2020
I saw a manga recap YouTube video covering this series and thought "Ooh, a banished from party manga where they clearly regretted doing so and we follow the banisher's POV. Not unique but interesting enough for me to check out". But the moment I searched it up here, it apparently has a whopping 4.02 stars overall out of 700+ ratings, probably the lowest I've ever seen on mangadex in my life so far... So I thought, "oh they must be exaggerating, no way this series is that bad with 357+ readers ranking it as 1 star...right?"


It really was pretty dam bad...

If I had to summarize this series, basically everyone in this series' world is an idiot... It's the "banished from a party" trope except everyone is unnecessarily an idiot...

So Est, a non-offensive enchantment support type class, got injured because the others failed to protect their backline. Now any sane party worth their salt would think "oh shit, we gotta learn from this and be a lot more careful in the future and make sure we protect our backline, because we'll be fucked if we made the same mistake again". But nope, they decide to say "fuck improving" and then banished Est, who is their sole support party member with useful enchantment skills, all because Athena suddenly became afraid of Est dying...

Bruh, you're all adventurers, y'all should've been aware that being injured (and worst case scenario death) is the occupational hazard of being an adventurer. So what is it, y'all planned to Mary Sue your adventurer journey? When suddenly being faced with your backline support getting injured, y'all chose to cut them off and effectively sabotage yourselves by not improving? What's the thought process here? Because trying to "protect Est" by kicking him out and breaking his promise of getting stronger because y'all were afraid is just highly illogical and unrealistic.

Not to mention, you guys were fully aware of what Est was capable of and what he's been able to contribute while in the party. Hell, Daru even mentioned that he could achieve a breakthrough to become a lot stronger, but Athena still chooses to kick him out because she doesn't know how long until he achieves that breakthrough? TRAIN HIM! GIVE HIM BATTLE EXPERIENCE! DEFEND YOUR BACKLINE WHEN YOU GUYS NEED TO! DON'T JUST GIVE UP!! WHAT'S THE POINT OF ACHIEVING BREAKTHROUGHS IF YOU WON'T EVEN TRY TO ACHIEVE IT?? Y'all were afraid of Est dying? LEARN FROM IT! YOU'RE ADVENTURERS! You guys promised that everyone would get stronger together, including Est. Y'all were aware he CAN get stronger. Doesn't take a genius that by getting him to become stronger, you guys can achieve that promise, you guys get to keep your backline, and then you guys won't have to worry as much about your backline dying! But nope, fuck all that, let's do the complete opposite and banish him entirely! Ain't that a bit hypocritical?

We even have some of the background characters shit talk Est for not being able to protect himself since he can't apply spells on himself. Umm, hello? Does no one in this world understand how enchantment support classes work? Is the class really that rare or something? Who cares if the MC can't apply the buffs onto himself? He's supposed to support his PARTY MEMBERS, not support himself... And then the moment it becomes known that he achieved his breakthrough and could now apply buffs onto himself so that he can solo clear stuff, people start kissing his ass? So I guess that's how the world is for this series...

And all that above was just the first 2 chapters... Not off to a strong start... But what I've said above should give you an idea on how this series goes with some more stuff sprinkled in:

Idiots everywhere, plot conveniences with little explanation, poor unnecessary miscommunications and misunderstandings, lack of trying to improve from their weaknesses and mistakes, Est way over his head, lack of explanation of character motives, incoherent character writng, and even hypocritical decisions. Like all that talk in the recent chapters about growing stronger through communication and working together, yet you guys apparently didn't apply that to Est...

If I have to say anything good about the series, it's that the concept of this series did have potential and the characters are slowly trying to improve themselves little by little. Unfortunately that's overshadowed by the flaws of the author's unnecessary story choices which ended up bringing the story down.

I have caught up with the current 15 chapters, came to a conclusion with my thoughts, and have thus made the decision to drop this series in case of any future translations being released.

3/10; A poorly written series with good concept that was filled with unnecessary idiotic decisions.
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 16, 2018
Your point kinda falls apart when you got two party members acting like startcraft 2 players on smurf accounts one to busy simpping for they useless ass leader and the other is Old enough to see the actual issues and could fix them but spends more time thinking to himself while also being a lazy dunk slob while again being stronger then all of them put together
There wasn't really much of a point to my post. Just stating that I see a lot of realism in it. Most real people would be too busy with their own problems to care about fixing drama around them. Even when they see it coming.

I pretty much read it as a "what if they were all just human" story. And that does have less appeal to a reader who's looking for main characters who are just a little more than the average human.
Apr 23, 2024
There wasn't really much of a point to my post. Just stating that I see a lot of realism in it. Most real people would be too busy with their own problems to care about fixing drama around them. Even when they see it coming.

I pretty much read it as a "what if they were all just human" story. And that does have less appeal to a reader who's looking for main characters who are just a little more than the average human.
well see, that would work if only they didnt just instantly super good at communicating with each other , support each other's growth like your typical generic MC. the moment Est was kicked out , they all become better at it.

it clear author self-insert into Daru and need a bad guy, that is Est. the party acting brain ded all the time until they successfully making Est a villain . it would be more realistic if the party continue to failed at communicating and then realized, oh maybe they are the problem and not Est , the guy taking care of pretty much everything outside of front line combat.
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Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2023
Not to mention, you guys were fully aware of what Est was capable of and what he's been able to contribute while in the party. Hell, Daru even mentioned that he could achieve a breakthrough to become a lot stronger, but Athena still chooses to kick him out because she doesn't know how long until he achieves that breakthrough? TRAIN HIM! GIVE HIM BATTLE EXPERIENCE! DEFEND YOUR BACKLINE WHEN YOU GUYS NEED TO! DON'T JUST GIVE UP!! WHAT'S THE POINT OF ACHIEVING BREAKTHROUGHS IF YOU WON'T EVEN TRY TO ACHIEVE IT?? Y'all were afraid of Est dying? LEARN FROM IT! YOU'RE ADVENTURERS! You guys promised that everyone would get stronger together, including Est. Y'all were aware he CAN get stronger. Doesn't take a genius that by getting him to become stronger, you guys can achieve that promise, you guys get to keep your backline, and then you guys won't have to worry as much about your backline dying! But nope, fuck all that, let's do the complete opposite and banish him entirely! Ain't that a bit hypocritical?
I wish that would be his text in the last chapter
instead of apologizing to them.

To sum it up (logic of this manga):
bad guy:
  • Est: hard worker, does everything for his friends, even manages everything outside of fights, gets angry because being kicked out unjustly, survives by pure luck and gets his love "stolen"

good guys
  • Athena: bad leader, doesn't know what's going on in her party (partly because she's drunk), pretends to do care for her friends, but doesn't try to get in touch with her "best friend" after kicking him out because she's too centred on herself, absolutely weak without support but obviously she's worthy of Daru's support
  • Daru: hides his true power (risking Est's life), doesn't give a damn about former comrade making him the bad power-drunk guy instead of telling the truth and saving a friendship, knows the importance to train female party members, has the age and knowledge to solve all misunderstandings but doesn't give a damn
  • Mirialia: hides her true power (risking Est's life), wanted Est to be kicked out because she's in love with Athena
  • Frey: muscle brain

It's the typical (bad) hero (harem) party though Daru still needs some time to make all the girls fall for him (Athena and Frey are already his). Athena may not be a saint but as in all the other mangas she will follow all of Daru's stupid decisions because he's her precious knight in shining armor (on the surface).
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Dex-chan lover
Jan 17, 2023
There's a ton of interesting ways to go about putting a different spin on the (already incredibly stale) party banishment trope, but uhh... this isn't one of them.

I really don't understand what the premise of the story continuing to follow both sides is if there's no chance of reconciliation in the story. Honestly just feels like secondhand revenge porn that doesn't actually give anybody the satisfaction and leaves everything hanging until it dies out.
Apr 23, 2024
There's a ton of interesting ways to go about putting a different spin on the (already incredibly stale) party banishment trope, but uhh... this isn't one of them.

I really don't understand what the premise of the story continuing to follow both sides is if there's no chance of reconciliation in the story. Honestly just feels like secondhand revenge porn that doesn't actually give anybody the satisfaction and leaves everything hanging until it dies out.
it not even revenge, it just "hating on Est the guy who work his hardest for everyone, left to fend for himself and got kicked out while the love of his life is slowly stolen from him" the manga.

the whole point of this trash is for author to self insert into Daru, get a harem , always portray as the good guy and also super OP. Est is just there cause they need a bad guy and also trying to cling on banished from party trend.
Active member
Sep 7, 2023
Weirdly enough... I can understand Est's side of the story. Hell, in EVE ONLINE especially, you can get with a group, get betrayed, kicked out, etc... and end up going solo for a time, and see your old group, and show off your Wallet full of money, and gold limned ships and modules backed by skill, and you can just "HA-HA-HA! I am better off without you trash holes!" The whole scene in the guild hall where he mocks Athena, just resonates with the solo player in me in that way.

As for attempting to rejoin the party, and finding Daru with a drunk-passed-out Athena... yall have to remember that Athena and Est were childhood friends, and they are 15. Had they kept together, they would have been lovers within a year as they grew up... and finding Daru, a bro that had privately confided in Est that he supported Est and Athena becoming a couple... on top of a, he didn't know she was passed out drunk, Athena... thinking that they were about to make love... is like catching your girlfriend/boyfriend with another lover. That's why Est is so pissed off at them, mocking them even.

The hate-on for this manga is quite hilarious, because people refuse to understand that Est and Athena are both 15, just barely stepping into puberty, partied with a man who is just in his early 20s, an elf that they don't give an age for, and a dragonkin that they also haven't given the age for... It's a Young Adult series, where the characters are seriously more human-acting than most other manga. Nobody is isekai'd, nobody is hyper-intelligent or has information from OUR world, there's no internet, no cell phone, there is simply "Let's go on an adventure and get rich and famous!" What a lot of people also forget, is that they WOULD act like this in real life... in any of the roles, if they lived in this setting, without any fore-knowledge. You just don't want to admit it, or are so deluded that you think you wouldn't.
I could stand to read some more of this manga as it continues.
Group Leader
Dec 15, 2023
Weirdly enough... I can understand Est's side of the story. Hell, in EVE ONLINE especially, you can get with a group, get betrayed, kicked out, etc... and end up going solo for a time, and see your old group, and show off your Wallet full of money, and gold limned ships and modules backed by skill, and you can just "HA-HA-HA! I am better off without you trash holes!" The whole scene in the guild hall where he mocks Athena, just resonates with the solo player in me in that way.

As for attempting to rejoin the party, and finding Daru with a drunk-passed-out Athena... yall have to remember that Athena and Est were childhood friends, and they are 15. Had they kept together, they would have been lovers within a year as they grew up... and finding Daru, a bro that had privately confided in Est that he supported Est and Athena becoming a couple... on top of a, he didn't know she was passed out drunk, Athena... thinking that they were about to make love... is like catching your girlfriend/boyfriend with another lover. That's why Est is so pissed off at them, mocking them even.

The hate-on for this manga is quite hilarious, because people refuse to understand that Est and Athena are both 15, just barely stepping into puberty, partied with a man who is just in his early 20s, an elf that they don't give an age for, and a dragonkin that they also haven't given the age for... It's a Young Adult series, where the characters are seriously more human-acting than most other manga. Nobody is isekai'd, nobody is hyper-intelligent or has information from OUR world, there's no internet, no cell phone, there is simply "Let's go on an adventure and get rich and famous!" What a lot of people also forget, is that they WOULD act like this in real life... in any of the roles, if they lived in this setting, without any fore-knowledge. You just don't want to admit it, or are so deluded that you think you wouldn't.
I could stand to read some more of this manga as it continues.
It's the execution that people are mad about. It's so sloppy and the characters are forced to be whatever the plot needs them to be instead of being established characters that have to work their way through the plot. All of the walking plot devices are contradictions with the exception of Frey possibly, I haven't heard spoilers about her. Est can't escape the mighty force of the author's pen since he's later jammed into the mold of the plot later on. This is the type of storytelling that would fit in on fanfiction.net.
Active member
Sep 7, 2023
It's the execution that people are mad about. It's so sloppy and the characters are forced to be whatever the plot needs them to be instead of being established characters that have to work their way through the plot. All of the walking plot devices are contradictions with the exception of Frey possibly, I haven't heard spoilers about her. Est can't escape the mighty force of the author's pen since he's later jammed into the mold of the plot later on. This is the type of storytelling that would fit in on fanfiction.net.
That is a fair assessment. I haven't read ahead of the current translated chapter, and things can go either way, to me. I am still curious on how the manga will divert from the LN, and whether they'll keep things more human, and possibly change how the LN goes, or if they'll go with a horrible delivery.
As of yet in what has currently happened in the translated manga on-site, it's all felt reasonable.
Double-page supporter
Jun 6, 2023
I don't think anyone hating on him, he is the only one readers can relate to.
The story is trying to make him out as the bad guy, and it fails.
The writer is just retarded.
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Sep 9, 2020
to the new lads that's trying to pick this up, i beg you, for your sanity and peaceful year, DO NOT thread on the path of never ending headache and endless infuriation that this manga caused me :facepalm:

P.S. screw Daru's entire existence, dude never tried to fix anything before it's too late and instead only focus on stealing the girls heart and sympathy
Dex-chan lover
Mar 14, 2019
I can see what you mean and yes the banishers are also at fault. The "cucking" situation on the other hand shows Est just running away and giving up on the old party completely. In that situation he could just man up and try to resolve by talking.

Read this again: https://mangadex.org/chapter/9a513430-b2e0-4b6b-8b07-0c1eb8885a54/5 If he isn't behaving like an edgelord, then I'll be damned.

Last but not least it's just a fictional manga. Some people take it too seriously, self insert and get mad. Just try to enjoy or leave it.
Comment section exist for both negative and positive responses. Not just for ass-kissing
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2023
I wish that would be his text in the last chapter
instead of apologizing to them.

To sum it up (logic of this manga):
bad guy:
  • Est: hard worker, does everything for his friends, even manages everything outside of fights, gets angry because being kicked out unjustly, survives by pure luck and gets his love "stolen"

good guys
  • Athena: bad leader, doesn't know what's going on in her party (partly because she's drunk), pretends to do care for her friends, but doesn't try to get in touch with her "best friend" after kicking him out because she's too centred on herself, absolutely weak without support but obviously she's worthy of Daru's support
  • Daru: hides his true power (risking Est's life), doesn't give a damn about former comrade making him the bad power-drunk guy instead of telling the truth and saving a friendship, knows the importance to train female party members, has the age and knowledge to solve all misunderstandings but doesn't give a damn
  • Mirialia: hides her true power (risking Est's life), wanted Est to be kicked out because she's in love with Athena
  • Frey: muscle brain

It's the typical (bad) hero (harem) party though Daru still needs some time to make all the girls fall for him (Athena and Frey are already his). Athena may not be a saint but as in all the other mangas she will follow all of Daru's stupid decisions because he's her precious knight in shining armor (on the surface).
I mean there is a reason this shit got the axe in both versions lol and why so many japanese readers mock it
Aug 22, 2020
Please don't read this...I read the raws and this story makes no sense...

they kick him out because he almost dies and don't give him another chance to get stronger, the party almost gets wiped out and it would have if Daru didn't suddenly decide to fight seriously yet they decide to get stronger together and become better comrades...BITCH where were those thoughts when you decided to expel Est????
Also the author tries to make Daru like some good guy and honorable friend for Est but dude does nothing except ''flirt'' with the girls and ''Is it good for Est to join back the party?'' is said every chapter of the story but we don't get a clear answer besides they won't be able to grow because they rely on him but they must rely completely on me instead and they do, the dude fixed everything, those girls are useless without Est or Daru. Also Est got some ''close comrades'' like the author threw him some girls out of pity, makes completely no sense why he would choose random strangers(maybe out of spite) to party with him. Yeah they are talented but they got so close too fast to even seem natural...

Author tried something but fcked it up too much to even excuse some things because of inexperience.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2023
Author you should KYS
Nah whoever greenlit publishing it should, and the one who approved making this into a manga should watch their mom and every female relative and childhood love get dicked down in front of them by a NTR tier gyaru-oh. :glee: </s> Author should've never seen a dime and been stuck publishing 20 IQ trash on the JP equivalent of fanfiction dot net where this belongs. This part isn't a joke. Its one of the few works I've ever rated a 1 out of probably several hundred on here.

tl;dr its shit, I think its even more shit after rereading with an open mind. I don't even "hate" it. I just have no idea how some braindead morons ever even gave it an adaptation in the first place, when actually good series get axed constantly. It is objectively a 1. Author self-inserts are not just cringe, but pathetically so, and this author couldn't even execute THAT properly.

Amazes me how much utter trash actually gets published and even turned into manga/doujinshis and then animated out of Japan these days when supposedly we keep getting sob stories that the industry is "struggling" because foreigners pirate manga. Stuff like this even getting 2 chapters, let alone 2-3 volumes worth says that's a fucking lie. :kek: :kek: :kek:

Stuff like this drowns out the energy and takes good artists away from working on series that aren't trash. There is clearly zero quality control in the industry. Its getting as bad as western comics. There's a few works that are decent that actually got dropped because of artist health rather than no demand/poor sales because garbage like this has people wasting months of their lives doing art for it. :bleh:

Actual more thoughtful opinion on the work:
I took a step back and bothered rereading it again this week. I think even more poorly than I did the first time of this. Its not even so much that I "hate" this. I just see so many works get axed for no reason and it's just really... frustrating(? hard to give a real description on how I think about it. maybe disgust?) seeing an even more obvious author self-insert that is so hypocritical and preachy against the character everyone would identify with ever get an adaptation at all.

Actually the worst "harem" work I've ever seen and there are some incredibly bad ones. Its one thing to be a copypasta plot similar to what others have done, but its another to be different for the sake of it and do almost everything wrong from start to end. Its not about the reader wanting a certain set type of story, its the author overtly made it about him, and almost lecturing us using Est as a stawman for what he hates about "revenge/redemption" stories, and even there its horribly executed in the most hypocritical way possible, and if that wasn't their intent (which is the only plausible explanation for it that makes any sense) they managed to do it even more poorly than even that.

I genuinely don't get how this ever got greenlit at any level for someone to actually pay money for, especially a manga adaptation when there seems to be so many works that get axed or used as a promo for LNs after a few chapters as bait that deserve their works fully adapted into manga instead out there. I think its a "I have seen several series that are actually good get hosed, and this slop was even graced with an adaptation, what is this shit?" type feeling that several others have.
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