Nah fuck that. He’s guilty by association.
Ah yes the line of thinking that allows civillians and those trying to help them die by the hands of the IDF, frankly fuck you
Ooooo~k I think we all need to calm down a bit and talk things through in a more civilized manner.
Back in the Nuremberg Trials and every single nazi war-crime trial afterwards, there's a thing called "degrees of guilt", where people got judged by every single action they took by separate. Being part of the nazi party or the concentration camps made you guilty, but not as guilty as those that had active participation in the horrendous actions commited inside.
Here, we all know that Miguero is one of the noblest amongst all the fighters of the russian team, not to mention the one with the most sympathetic backstory... BUT he is still knowingly taking part of the kidnapping of an innocent person who just wanted to be left alone; for all we know he could be against the whole thing but powerless to stop it, he may think this is for the best and that Tsuyoshi could be happier in Russia, he could perhaps be in NPC mode and doing this for the betterment of his own country and all the people inside... or he could simply not care and take perverse glee just like Mr. MasOlympia. We need to wait and see before declaring him innocent or guilty.
As for me, I think he does deserve a measure of punishment by association, but not as harsh or damaging as many of the others in his team deserve; if he got off scott-free, it may send the wrong message and alienate him from his teammates and country, not to mention it may be similar to the chinese girl shenanigans at the end of the china-arc; if he gets the exact same punishment, it would leave us with a bad aftertaste in our mouths and would be paying for the sins of others. Similar treatment but lessened sentence will send the clear message:
"you will pay for the original sin, but the punishment will fit the crime". For all we know it may work and make the next villains act less, well,
This has been my TED talk, hope to see you all again next chapter!