Under the Oak Tree

Jun 9, 2019
folks calling raftian rapist has clearly not read the novel 🤣😅 anyways, i feel so happy they made this a manhwa and the art is even beautiful. I'm still feeling salty about lucia's art and that was my most fave and most read novel ever! you can say maxi is your typical damsel in distress but i'm telling you guys, hang in there and you would not regret it!
Apr 12, 2020
@Moonzilla yaaas the art for Lucia was also not how I visualized them to be based on the novel. Though it wasn't that bad, they just looked childish instead of more mature.
Sep 29, 2019
@sasarious_waifu my thoughts exactly! I cannot purely enjoy the story because of it. It's a pity because I like Lucia. Well, let's be grateful that wasn't the case with Under the Oak Tree 😁
I like that the character designs do not differ a lot from the novel illustration.
Jul 26, 2019
This story reminds me of the novel The Nothing Girl by Jodi Taylor it’s also about a girl who stutters and is treated horribly by her family and marries a guy to escape them and he protects her and it’s really cute but also has dark moments in that way that her family treated her just like this story and Maximilian. Can’t wait to see where this story goes!
Apr 16, 2020
Aw why i saw this is so sweet qiksnxjickcmx🌝🤣
Thank you for beautiful translation!! You’re so kind.💖
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
Gruff tsundere X adorable frightened animal Hmm. Think I found a new romance sub-genre to pursue.

Don't get me wrong I've never really been a big fan of the whole cliche "helpless(incompetent) maiden who gets targeted by villans or antagonist only for the prince or knight or some other overused trope character to save her." I'm open for diverse character rolls but won't deny how I find myself draw to a more strong encouraging FL's. However I can't find my self resenting this girl. I have come to like this girl and am know debating if I should read the LN now on WordExcerpt or follow the Comic.

Good job WordExcerpt crew 👍
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019

This line kinda leads me to believe otherwise. I believe this is a set up to make you believe as such. it was also mentioned that she had little to no knowledge about inter*ourse. I don't know man, it just doesn't seem like the type of story where a relationship is based off of ra*pe and they just breeze over it, progressing with an unrealistic romance. (Barbara Streisand's The Way We Were comes to mind). I hope that's the case. Just in case I went back to re read the chapters just to make sure I read the lines (and in between them) correctly. I doesn't seem like they set him up to be the type of boorish character, to use marital duty as a pretext for nonconsensual sex. I'd like to stress that im am not evaluating him as a "person" but as a "character" and said characters roll. You may be wright, and it never gets revisited with proper clarification further in the story. AndI do realise that this is shallow in terms of evidence. Thats because its not its reasonable cause for doubt. I can accept be wrong. What I can't accept is no solid answers without a doubt This has given me more reason to read the novel.

P.S. Just felt That Such a passionate words deserve a thought out reply.


Mar 12, 2019
@blazing_boz I don't think they actually had sex. Also, where does it say that she's under age?
I think most of the problem between them is miscommunication/misunderstanding.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 28, 2020
So many complains about rapey scene.. appearantly author like this kind of stuff in fantasy to build up MC's tragedy or backstory. It's needed for the sake of the story. I'm sure things will go fluffy in a few chapters just deal with it
Aug 18, 2020
I'm so sad that this has no smug tag. Come on, there's quite some snu-snu in the novel, adapt it! :<

That said, boi these eyebrows be thicc.
Jul 7, 2019
I wasn’t able to read the novel, I dropped it at ch 1 because of how weak max was painted plus the misunderstanding and aggressive behavior of riftan. Ill continue it tho after reading this manwha.
Sep 14, 2019
Regarding ambiguous consent in this manhwa:
1. Maxi is definitely not underaged. She is the oldest of two sisters. While it's not explained in the manhwa, the novel detailed on how Max is the firstborn daughter. The state of her 'disability' (and her being female) bring shame to her household. Her mother tries many time to bear another child that is healthy (preferably male) but died after many miscarriages. After that his father remarried, and her sister Rosenthal was born. She is the pretty, smart child his father always wanted. She grow up showered with gifts from suitors. So it's implied that her little sister Rose is of age, so does Maxi since she is older.
2. This one I'm not sure with, but I believe her inability to comprehend intercourse is caused by her upbringing instead of her mental capacity. Since her father focused his attention on Rose, Maxi was abandoned. Her existence was concealed by her father, blaming it on her 'sickness'. She is not living in the main quarters, always wearing raged clothes, and doesn't receive any education (in later chapters: she doesn't know basic math or currency and will learn from Ruth). Everything she knows about marriage and marital duties are about obedience to her husband, that was told to her in passing by her nanny. She didn't know you are supposed you have s*x, let alone what is s*x. And Riftan doesn't know that, since Maxi comes off as a treasured, sheltered daughter of a duke when in fact she is hidden because of shame. He thinks her reluctance is caused by disgust when in fact she is completely ignorant and scared. Riftan will gradually show his affection to Max, something she is also unfamiliar with. But because of that, she felt safe with him and even began to seek his touches. I think the only rapey scene is their wedding night (he was focused on consummating their marriage). Cause from then on, in my opinion, their bedtime exercises are quite reciprocal. She even begin to think it as something shared between the two of them.
3. Riftan seems rapey because he's determined to be with Max since the beginning but he's a common born, so his assumptions of Max is based on a lot of insecurity and guilt which leads to poor communications, jealousy, and misunderstanding. He thinks he's trapping Max, while Max thinks it's the other way around.

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