Thanks for the hard work and translation of the series
This has been a great manga. Really good end which ties everything together leaving no major loose strings around.
Telling us what happens to all the characters and showing us a the family they made in the future and still being great friends <3 wholesome heartwarming end <3 having their kids being part youkai cats, adorable <3
A really good end all in all
Kyoichi really changed a lot from the first chapter compared to the last. Just the character traits of him being morbidly curious about everything. Don't know what happened to it but it kinda disappears somewhere in the start. I know it's sorta a pun of "curiosity killed the cat" and even has a chapter named "curiosity killed the rat". Plot wise it serves as a function of him being reckless and kissing her in the first chapter.
That's the only thing that I can criticize and that is after reading this chapter were we get some flashbacks etc. That reminded me that he used to be like that. But it's nothing major and you kinda forget about that trait so it's good in the end.
I'm not usually into youkai themed manga but this was very well done and generally great!
Would totally recommend this manga! 10/10!
Looking forward to the next work by the author!
Well, unless I missed something, I still didn't know who was the one made Kyoichi couldn't use his power in the first place. The ending was good btw. Praise the translator and the author for this manga.
I overall loved the ending and the series as a whole. I am however sad that Ayaka ended the way she did. I'd have preferred her and the MC with Natsuho watching over them both as the god, because she loved both of them. Ah well. Doesn't change my overall series satisfaction in the long run.
Thus we've finally reached the end. Nicely wrapped up, and boy am I glad that the author just wanted for Natsuho to be happy, that's the stuff. This is definitely something I'm gonna have to reread some day since I forgot most of the characters