@Mai_loves_icecream I think its the idea that someone needs to do this for every chapter thats a bit off putting. To put it into perspective, on webtoon for complete series you can read 1 chapter free a day. That sounds pretty great, up until you realise binging series is impossible (because unlocked chapters lock again after 1-2 weeks). Tapas looks like it has a different but similar concept.
The thing that urks people is the grind you need to do for 1 chapter. I think people would be a lot more ok if the model for webtoon was similar to crunchyroll or netflix (where its a 1-time fee for blanket access over a certain period of time) .
The "pay for what you read" concept sounds nice enough in concept but the execution available currently is frustrating.
For example, on Webtoon Line, I'd be willing for example to pay for blanket access to a whole series if I could but I cant because
only the 'pay / work for per chapter' model is being imposed meaning it inflates the price for someone who wants to have access to the whole series at a time (which its,,, really not enjoyable for any kind of content.. Amazon doesn't force me to page per page for a book and netflix doesn't make me pay per episode either).
Certainly there are people unwilling to pay in either case but don't disregard everyone who don't like the current webtoon / tappytoons / tapas system for just misers