Villains Are Destined to Die - Vol. 1 Ch. 26

Active member
Mar 25, 2020
Derrick sucks the most of all the MLs by a fairly significant margin. Fight me. At least pink bro has some cute moments and isn't as dull as this bro.
Aug 10, 2020
It's nice that her bro is so concerned for her well being but dude, you're her B R O T H E R. I don't care if you aren't blood related the point is you all welcomed her into your house as your new sibling. I just doesn't seem okay at all lol but whatever. I'm sure there have been cases like this in real life.
Aug 12, 2018
I still can't get over how good of a story this is. Finishing all the spoilers, this is literally *chef's kiss*.

@herianca No, I do agree with you on that. The novel is much better. But I think the webtoon is doing at least a decent job at getting the general idea across. Ofc in the novel you get more in depth perspective into Penelope's actual emotions and thoughts throughout all this. It makes her actions and the gravity of each characters' actions and events more poignant.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Oooh...that's actually a pretty good excuse for the bill for a slave. I didn't think of it at all and I'm impressed.

...Yeah, no. You only get to act with anger born of worry when you've shown any amount of basic human kindness and decency to her. Fuck off, dad and brother, you're both dicks who gave up your right to voice concerns for her well-being and her love ages ago.
Aggregator gang
Nov 16, 2018
@UglyDuck: not really, they just realize they're her older brothers, though it's a bit late. I don't see their actions are romantic.
Jan 16, 2019
Maybe I am misremembering, so someone correct me if I am wrong, but didn't both her brothers psychologically abuse her for years and stood idly by while she was physically tortured and mistreated even by her personal maid?
Wasn't she rightfully scarred because one wrong step would lead to them literally murdering her at the start?

Honestly, I don't get why the story is trying to show them as concerned family now. Literally the entire family and staff is far beyond redemption. Not that any of them actually apologized iirc.

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