> Except she didn't get far in hard mode.
> she's only got info from their normal mode
> In hard mode, she never even met the wizard and the knight guy
All true but irrelevant.

She's not writing down their history, any notable events, or anything of the sort. Literally just their name haha
To my original point, I have faith that most, if not all, of us could write the names of 5 game characters after playing it all night lol
> Even if they find the paper, it's just names and symbols

That's a rational viewpoint which brings me to -
> gave them valid reason to put her in isolation
- their irrational behavior so far; death by starvation/fork is not an acceptable outcome. Especially after getting justifiably angry about being served moldy bread and waste water loosely categorized as soup.
This is what concerned me. Where we see names and symbols...they might see a conspiracy. Who knows. Pretty sure all the men are crazy on some level.
Either way, I'm out lol have a nice day/night