Virtues of the Villainess - Ch. 10

Active member
Jun 4, 2019
IF he can hear her thoughts, then he could hear what her plans, right??
Mar 23, 2020
@LonelyBye. I don't think he can read her every thought. Otherwise he would know about the novel, know everything about her and her rival as soon as he focused on her.

It seems like his ability is limited.
Apr 6, 2019
ughh i love this story so much. i read the spanish tl up till ch29 and it's cute so far, i don't get why people don't like her personality. she's adorable bruh
Jul 23, 2019
People keep calling her dumb for making plans while he can read her thoughts but they seem to forget that he can only do that if he makes eye contact, it's why he had her look up at him after she called out his name.

If you notice, everytime she's thinking about the novel and her plans, she's avoiding looking at him so he can't read her thoughts. She's not stupid.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
@laceration Because she wastes 70% of chapters on inner monologue trash, trusts a womanizing bastard that will do anything to please both women, ergo please the other one more, too stupid for her own good. Chapter 7 was funny, 8-10 should have been 1 chapter. She is WAY to f'n insecure in anything she does. What she should have done is the second she realized she was in a novel, fucking ditch that asswipe and MOVE ON, get away from the trash girl and prince, let them do whatever they want. If you are going for revenge, have the god damn smarts to do so, otherwise go live your life free of resentment towards people who should not be in your life.
Apr 21, 2019
Izana can only read other people’s mind when he makes eye contact with them.
There’s no need to hate on Ginger, she’s actually doing a lot better than most clumsy FL. Lerajie is an actual b*tch coz she’s always the one trying to steal every man interested in Ginger and she wants all the attention.
It’s actually good that Izana would end up with Ginger (someone who knows his secret) coz the book later explained that if Izana and Lerajie ends up together he would murder Lerajie for tricking him.
Izana needs people who are honest inside and out because he hates people trying to deceive him all the time since he can read their minds.
Lerajie’s grandfather is a mage who created the necklace for the sole purpose that it might help Lerajie and Izana get together later on (based on my understanding reading the raws).
Aug 9, 2019
Nah she is funny, cute, sweet and upfront, you all acting has she need to be like all those unrealistic FL that are reincarnated that are geniuses, in which every plan that they make goes perfectly and know how to act perfectly in every situation but are dumb as f when it comes to love, those stories are absolutely unrealistic, but ginger is a hot mess she is more normal that all those perfectly written robots.
Aug 9, 2019
@Chet31 there is no inner monologue trash, is showing how she is and thinks, I don't see how is she acting SO insecure, after her cousin have stolen even his fiance what tf do you expect, and why tf you would throw away a perfect opportunity to take this man? Like why? For real, i don't know why would you run away like a coward like damn at least try.
Aggregator gang
Oct 16, 2019
@chet31 what do you expect her to do ? She's the daughter of a marquess, not Cat Woman. She can hardly steal the necklace herself so she uses the best tool she has and even then isn't very trusting of him. Lerajie is bit over the top. She's an antagonist with plot armor at this point
Aggregator gang
Oct 16, 2019
@Orangeleafsfx agreed. I am so sick of Japanese novels where the MC never asks wtf is in this for me ? It's no surprise that the country has an epidemic of people letting themselves get worked to death
Aggregator gang
Apr 6, 2019
Okay, why isn't he just reading her mind during all this? Her inner monologues may as well be said aloud, and he is somehow still ignorant.
Active member
Jan 14, 2019
@Marchimarch I took at as he has to stare into someones eyes while they are thinking the thoughts. As well as it having to be for more than just a glance I believe. Thats how I interpreted it though.
Active member
Jun 4, 2019
Not if you're thinking about this while in his vicinity...ooof
Seems like Izana can read some thoughts but not all?
Active member
Jun 1, 2019
I kind of regret reading the comments. Because it seems many of the readers are more stupid than Ginger, the one they hate for supposedly being stupid.

1. Izana can only read someone's mind when they make eye contact! Everytime Ginger plots, she AVERTS HER EYES from looking at Izana! And you call that dumb?!

2. The title of this Manhwa is literally "The Virtues of Villainess". This is what you wanted when you search for this kind of story, so why did you guys so surprised seeing Ginger scheming and wanting to be selfish? If you don't like it, then don't read anything with "Villainess" in the title ever again.

3. On the topic of selfish Villainess, I guess some people did not like Ginger because she is not those kind of "reincarnated genius MC" with all the perfect plans. Of course she isn't! She is NOT reincarnated. She just happens to find a book describing what had happened perfectly. Also, it's understandable that she was being selfish here, she's literally a teenager who got her fiancee (and several former boyfriends if we look at what implied in chapter 2) stolen from her. Readers can you really say that you won't do the same thing if your lover stolen by a whore of a girl?

4. How the heck someone can like Lerajie's character more? Her personality is literally that of a whore who seduced every man that Ginger has taken a fancy of. Just because she can. There's really nothing good and redeemable about that.

Hhhh. That's the end of my rant here. Seriously, all the people who do all the points I've said above, I recommend you reading again from chapter 1.
Active member
Nov 10, 2019
I hate mc hmmm kinda hate reading this but still curious on what will happen next

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