Virus Tensei kara Hajimaru Isekai Kansen Monogatari

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2020
At first I was like "why would you adapt this novel into manga now out of all times?", but then I realized it is a genius move because it will immediately draw people's attention once they glance at the title (happened to me) and many people will go "haha look at this virus isekai coming out during pandemic" in social media spreading awareness of the manga's existence, which are pretty damn valuable things in such a competitive industry (to the point where many authors even resort to stuff like super long titles to draw attention).
Mar 2, 2019
Author hath't a weird naming sense, im not suprise to see the plot this lacking valor
Aggregator gang
Dec 31, 2018
I will read this as a story written as a joke, and never consider it anything more.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2018
Ah, I see mangadex forum virus/pandemic manga has taken a new form
Mar 28, 2019
From what is shown in the manga, the virus he has become is an enveloped, double stranded DNA or single stranded RNA based virus. The author makes seemingly conflicting events occur which help determine if the virus is DNA vs RNA virus, which might seem minor but is in fact a HUGE deal.

What appears to be confusing is the author either:
-forgot to show the process of reverse transcription where the RNA is converted back into DNA via the enzyme reverse transcriptase (this is how HIV functions) before it enters the nucleus for DNA integration (which ensures that the virus will be retained in the permanent genetic code of the cell), which is how HIV infects and becomes a lifelong infection with little hope of clearance by the immune system, OR
-the author is glossing over the process that shows the DNA replication within the nucleus alongside the RNA transcription and translation into function protein molecules (which is way more likely but much more boring since HIV lifecycles are cool), meaning that the viral DNA does NOT integrate into the host cells genes

However, the MCVirus (Main Character Virus) appears to "acquire" certain skills that are based on particular genes within the infected, which appears to contradict my previous assumption that this is a dsDNA virus as dsDNA viruses do not integrate host cell DNA and instead just replace it. This ability seems to indicate that the MCVirus is instead a ssRNA virus, however there is a glaring issue as the image clearly shows that the DNA/RNA is infact double stranded and double stranded RNA do not exhibit the ability to integrate with the host genome.

This brings us back to the correct assumption that this is in fact double stranded DNA based virus, but it retains the ability to integrate host cell genome and acquire evolutionarily-helpful skills (genes) through some unknown pathway that is not being shown in the manga (realistically this is probably just normal isekai magic rather than a virol pathway). This means that the MCVirus is perhaps the most optimized form of a virus to ever exist.

To explain why the MCVirus is the most OP virus ever, please take a look at the comparisons between having DNA vs RNA as the viruses base:
-DNA is stable and unlikely to mutate or breakdown due to random atom movement as it has additional bonds making up it's chemical structure, however this stability means it is slower to evolve and is more prone removal due to advances in the immune system or in medicine/outside help. In addition, replicating a single DNA based virus takes a long time as the process of replicating is slower than expected of a virus, but the slower start up makes it harder for the immune system to detect. This could be considered the "slow and steady growth" option.
-RNA is less stable due to not being as tightly held together chemically which leaves it more likely to spontaneously break down or be broken down by the immune system defense, however the mutagenicity is drastically increased in addition to its rate of replication. The RNA based viruses mutate much more frequently and this allows mutations to occur, allowing for continuous infection (like chronic HIV infected) or even constant reinfection (like Covid19). However, the stability issues leave a lot of weakness for the immune system to clear out the virus before it can really start pumping them out. This could be considered the "fast and crazy growth" option.

Now the MCVirus appears to be DNA based, meaning it has the stability and more resistant to bad mutations, but the MCVirus also can almost immediately infect the entire body of an infected within the span of what we can assume is maybe an hour at MOST (when most viruses have to take multiple days to fully infect the entire organism), AND the MCVirus can also integrate host cell "skills" which range from neutral to beneficial (technically viruses can acquire unhelpful genes but the MCVirus ain't havin that shit), as well as being able to shed the virus (spreading to other organisms) almost immediately after complete infection (usually it takes a few hours to a few days after for it to begin spreading) all WITHOUT causing ANY symptoms or debilitating statuses or conditions to the host, allowing him to control the body at 100% that it normally is.

To summarize, the MCVirus is:
-able to infect and spread in the span of minutes instead of days
-releases TONS of virus particles once shedding begins
-is resistant to harmful mutations
-can acquire only non-harmful "skills" from host genome
-can control the infected body at it's 100% (from what is seen so far) with no debuffs
-retains a personality with high level thinking that would normally not be possible for a virus (as a virus historically is not considered a living "thing")
-can control the viruses within the infected almost perfectly

They literally just isekai'd a pharmacologist/virologist into a virus with no flaws and the strongest set up possible.....

[insert flaming elmo gif]

Active member
Feb 9, 2018
Strange, I've read a similar english novel who was written before the japanese novel on royalroad... And it start almost the same... It was "my virus life" or something... Well.
If he become the wolf, and after that if it's humanoid insect in the form of a death knight, i will try looking for the author.

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