I first got confused by the name changes in the new translations. I asked on Leviathan's discord and as a result I was told the enemy names changed from Korean to English to give context that they are all aliases based on a group of stars. This makes sense to me, because some translators value context over literal translations.
Later on, I realized a certain clan had their name changed from partial Chinese to full Korean. These are the Zhuge clan members that the previous translators translated as Zhuge [Korean Name], and was alluded to as being descended from Zhuge Liang. Now they were translated as full Korean, so the context of being related to Zhuge Liang was lost unless one knew much about Korean localization names of Chinese historical figures, and I believe everyone can agree Zhuge Liang is the most famous form of said historical person alongside Kongming, the English language certainly doesn't localize it.
However, I also considered that it might be possible that the old translations were at fault, and maybe like localization happens today in the professional industry, changes are made to the level of a re-write. This might sound offensive to the old translators, but while I personally didn't believe they made such a mistake I still felt it was important to consider such a possibility instead of staying narrow-minded. So I asked on Leviathan's discord once again and explained my thought process, which can be summarized as a matter of consistency. If everything was to be named Korean, then the enemies should also be named Korean no? If context for the reader's sake was to be prioritized, then shouldn't the clan be using the old translations (and names like Seung-Kye were Korean to begin with, so it's only a matter of using a Chinese surname) to give immediate context of their relationship to Kongming? Questioning whether it was the old translator's fault or if the new translators possibly overlooked this, I was given an answer in the form of "Volcanic Age is all Korean", and I replied that names like Tang Clan being based on Szechuan (I think?) and locations like Hefei were clearly all Chinese. It is really obvious to anyone who has read 3 Kingdoms that Volcanic Age covers not only Korea but also China in this wuxia story, so since they use Chinese names for many places anyways why not allow Zhuge to remain? The person replying to me seemed to get kind of confused before shortly afterward agreeing with me presumably, however that was when his comments started disappearing followed by me being banned from the discord.
Now I don't really care that I got banned, for all I know it could be because I posted too many lines too fast when I was trying to get my message across. It just means I won't be able to make any more suggestions or questions, which is all I ever used it for so if anyone doesn't believe me feel free to call me an instigator, I don't have any screenshots or proof since I never felt I did anything to offend anyone and wasn't trigger happy with the screenshot button. Regardless, I hope Leviathan Scans becomes more consistent one way or another, and if not, I hope this comment can stay so that readers of Volcanic Age with the same confusion as I do can understand the inconsistency of the translations for their viewing pleasure, and if appropriate, use this comment section to note down any further changes in the future.
EDIT: I really wish someone archived the better translations on Goddess or something. All the reader sites use the seemingly poorer translations.