Wakamono no Kuro Mahou Hanare ga Shinkoku desu ga, Shuushoku shite Mitara Taiguu Iishi, Shachou mo Tsukaima mo Kawaikute Saikou desu! - Vol. 7 Ch. 39…

Active member
Jun 7, 2023
This sadly seems like a window/mirror on the actual japanese work industry/society. A quick search on the web confirms that Japan still has one of the highest suicide rate globally, a high % of companies that are in truth "black" (low wages, un-paid overtime work, etc.) and power harrassment is not uncommon.
It's sad that one of the most advanced nation in the world is so murky deep down
In terms of technology, yes they are more advanced. But in terms of social progress they have A LOT of catching up to do in many areas. For example they don’t believe in challenging the status quo or those higher on the social pyramid than themselves no matter how bad they are. (In Japan whistle blowers are condemned for challenging the status quo and turning on their bosses instead of praised for exposing a white collar crime and helping their fellows. (Hence why (in my opinion) franz and co didn’t take public credit for the nightmare moon incident, they would have been treated as pariahs.)

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