Wakamono no Kuro Mahou Hanare ga Shinkoku desu ga, Shuushoku shite Mitara Taiguu Iishi, Shachou mo Tsukaima mo Kawaikute Saikou desu!

Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
@raze2012 It's a service that's always been provided gratis--that's fansubbing/scanlation. However, what happens when you what you get is a production with a substantial portion of being altered to suit the scanlator's personal thoughts, rather than those of the original author in the form of his/her story? Are you still supposed to accept it without a word just because it was provided free of charge? Even if it's not a substantial portion of the text, if you don't know the original language, how would you know it wasn't? How would you know you're getting the story as opposed to Politically Active Comedian's Stand-up Act?

What's more, people like the aforementioned scanlator function precisely on that sort of thinking. He was the only game in town, and if you didn't put up with what he was doing, you got exactly what happened: the likes of "three months of absolute nothingness". Frankly speaking, I'm fine with that being the case--I'd far sooner find something else to do or read (and I've much of both) than let some leftist with an inflated sense of self-worth attempt to hold my free time hostage.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018

1. common sense. Most of the nitpicks people made in story were over localizations from stuff that was mostly fluff. Generally, when stuff got serious the translation was fine As another translator who's working on this noted, most of the translation was accurate. Most of the drama came from the end of the story from content most people skip anyways. Some translators use it to recruit, some to make memes, others use it to pitch their patreon. Maybe some like it, maybe some don't. if you don't, it's trivial to skip. So no one's "holding you hostage". why raise a stink if it doesn't impact the actual translation?

2. yes, you can move on. And people who don't mind can still be served. Maybe some other group gets frustrated and makes their own translation to compete and see what people decide to read. Which is fine. Clearly that wasn't the case here.

So no, I'm not fine with it. Again, we're all pirates here. I'd rather have an option open than zero options out of some weird sense of pride for the $0 i put into demand as a customer. If this is really such a niche manga that no one will pick it up despite seeing the opportunity months ago, I can gladly just not take the b8. I have a dozen manga I love in the same state of being months behind due to lack of translator interest so i learned to be grateful and not sweat the small stiff.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
What you're doing there is focusing on one part of the problem and minimizing the others, and thus minimizing the whole problem. The end page was one issue--one that could easily be ignored or removed entirely, should you choose to archive the chapter; it was the most easily seen part of the problem, because it was in one conspicuous page. It wasn't even the major issue: the contention arose from the scanlator inserting his own humor into the story, breaking immersion. Actual translation was indeed impacted because there's no way for the characters to make reference to a popular culture they can't conceivably have any contact with (i.e., ours, obviously). The contention got worse when the scanlator noted that criticism, recalcitrantly doubled down, and created more conspicuous insertions. He even used speech bubbles with meaningful text for that statement he wished to make.

Now, mind you, I know that those bubbles were reserved for meaningless incantation, but they were originally meaningless verbalization from a character. With his insertion, it stopped being the character's speech and became his, just through the mouth of the character. Once again, and while I can't speak for anyone but myself (but can bet that those who take issue with this agree), no one who took issue with this read this manga to hear his jokes or his subsequent political soapboxing. They just wanted to enjoy the manga itself.

That said, yes--I could move on--assuming there's no means of resolving this matter, and there was--to speak critically of those actions, as others have. Some of us don't like the idea of bending over before people like that scanlator just for the sake of gratification, which is clearly what that scanlator expected. Speaking of another group, I did approach another group with the suggestion that they pick this one up, and the leader refused--he cited the project's still belonging to another group as his reason for it. Something I could respect, frankly. So, you're right--it certainly couldn't have been the case. Regarding options, what option did you have, here? Once again, when a scanlator does this sort of thing, you stop reading the manga, and end up reading a joke scanlation--it hadn't reached that point yet, but it could have done so. People have done far more of that sort of thing for much, much less (Dattebayo Fansubs was an example, but they kept their trolling out of their main works). If that scanlator quit, at least it frees the manga to be picked up by another group--and that happens more often than not.

Finally, if you're going to quote someone, quote that person's words exactly, and do not take those words out of context just for the sake of minimizing the argument those words support.
Jun 24, 2018
Ugh. I read this shit to remove myself from politics and real life issues. Is nothing safe anymore?
Nov 6, 2018
does this light novel need long name to put so people just like understand it without reading it or find curiosity in it
Group Leader
Sep 12, 2019
@anuar_kumadesu There are a lot of web novels nowadays and to pique the readers intrest the authors have to give these kind of titles to the novels, otherwise they wouldnt look into them.
Dec 17, 2018
A proper translation??? Bless you, Varrel.

Now what do you think about redoing ch. 1-19? :V
Feb 13, 2020
thank the TL lord Varrel for these mad good translations, glad to finally have a chapter done right
Mar 26, 2019
Ooo a new chapter after a while huh, thx new scanlator, doin the good work out there. I really love this manga, it was good before, now its even better with out the tint of politiks koolio tried to inject. On one hand if the manga itself wastrying to say somthing about society and japanese culture, then you can leave the people reading to figure it oir ya know. But any ways, nice meme at the end, good stuff. Keep it goin!
Dec 31, 2019
Nov 6, 2018
@Waky well seriusly that like title come out from like after drinking or pooping in toilet,the longer the name the weird it be

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