maaaaan, i'm glad that i wasn't the only nervious on this chapter, and I agree that this ending was totally expected, kuroki is still the same, but she has now a safe space to be and talk.
In my last year of high school, I made a video with some friends on the aniversary of the school for a contest, we had to replace another video because it had jokes that can not be showed in public (thanks classmates), we planned, recorded and edited the video in like 6 hours, just in time to pass it to the comitee, my friend and i edited the video and we were SO FKN NERVIOUS, thinkin just like tomoko "the video will be boring, no one will like it" BUT IT WAS THE OPPOSITE, everyone was laughing out loud, that was the best moment in my time as a high schooler.
We won that contest.
I REAAALLY hope that the same happens to tomoko, feel the same happiness after the regrets that came to her before screening the movie.