It's not often that when I look up the source WN of these manga series that I end up binge reading the available translated chapters. It was / is surprisingly well written, and I hope the manga ends up being just as good as it continues.
Actual fucking masterpiece. This is the most excellent art I ever saw, the true ultimate of the common manga style. The story is beautiful too. This is what an isekai should be. Putting it in the same category as the bland inserts is an insult
Seems like it could be an interesting read, provided the main character changes and grows out of their dull pessimistic personality pretty soon. Too many chapters of no confidence loser crap and it will get boring.
Don't worry, the character arc seems to be a slow burn, but by the current arc, they seem to be getting comfortable in their own skin. The break though in chapter 11 seems happens a little different than in the Web novels. It was a little cleaned up, and two events were merged into one, but the events serve as a foundation for a lot of Haruka loosing up and coming to terms with the trauma that their parents left them with when they didn't listen to their worries. The panel with the parents was like half a chapter in the Web Novel and was definitely fleshed out enough to explain their hangups.