@jimmyclear yeah agreed. And I'm surprised there's no "numbers nerds" - I'm using this term positively - in that world. Like in 100% of the games I know, the numbers guys do all the magic calculations and create the meta, then they share it on Reddit/Steam/FB/YT and info trickles down to everyone. If everyone's Black Magic is so shit, more people must've noticed how OP Remme is. Like, in some games, an item even just debuffing enemies by 30% can have players drooling over it, raising the price sky high, etc. Not to mention debuffing can either make enemies have lower DEF or ATK or both, in which case the party can just forgo defense and use YOLO strats; which I'm sure is the strat the hero party must've been using until now. It seriously bugs me that nobody on the adventurer side notices this, especially when the dungeon is the same, and the clears are broadcasted to people. Like "oh, the other party used 5 swings to defeat an orgre, but this guy only need 4. Must be because of how powerful they are and OBVIOUSLY not because there's a DEBUFFER in the team". Just using my previous example, a change from 5 swings to 4 swings is roughly 20% ATK increase, which can either be good or GODLIKE, because the increase in ATK doesn't need investment in equipments or items. And the price to performance of increasing damage gets significantly lower as well, which is why debuffs are so good: lower costs.