what are your views on incest and ppl getting arrested coz of it?

Feb 2, 2021
honestly i'm confused
i'm from india and it is ok in here to marry your cousin(by cousin i mean child of your father's sister or child of your mother's brother)
and in some cases your elder sister's daughter.if there is not much of an age gap and given you are the last son of your family(usally people had 10~14 kids in olden times so there would not be an much age difference) by tradition
so i'm really confused when i found out these are considered incest at all and it is banned and could get you arrested
i mean i get the banned part but arrest..really?..
this is the age where homosexuality gets legalized saying "both parties are adult and they can choose what they want"
why won't incest get legalized too..it's not like anyone suddenly would do it as the society already see it as disguising thing

but yea it is my view on it... what are your opinions on incest (1st and 2nd degree)
Dec 5, 2019
Dex-chan lover
Jun 3, 2020
Iโ€™m against widespread incest on a purely scientific level

1. Increased birth defects

2. Genetics will likely stagnant if incest is normalized

Also did I just see someone try and use homosexuality to justify fucking incest? My god conservatives would have a fucking field day if this were gonna be noticed by any one in media
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
This is genuinely the most horrifying thread I've ever seen on MD.

What is wrong with you people? It'll stay open for now but the instant it goes into questionable territory, I'll lock it down and discipline possible offenders. Tread carefully.
May 21, 2020
Lmao there was a tlc show about a guy and his mom in an intimate relationship a while back and an exact quote from him when he was trying to justify it was "it's just like the gays"
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
This is way above my paygrade.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2020
Germany had some sort of law changed concerning incest requiring it to have both individuals agree to abort any children produced I think.
So I think the idea for them is if two consenting adults who are closely related want to engage in those relations, strictly speaking there isn't a viable justification outside of moral feelings. Granted that's if the pairing doesn't result in children.

Unfortunately I think for most people incest tends to be a parent or family member forcing themselves on a child or other family member. Which is illegal, obviously.
Feb 2, 2021
whoa whoa whoa relax people
yes maybe i went a little overboard but you can't deny it happening even now
first two situation happened to people i know of that's why i told here

my father's second brother(youngest of 5 kids) happened to marry first daughter of his elder sister(first of the 5 kids) and now has 2 kids
and this has been widely accepted and even encouraged in here
what i mean is that these situations are norm
and relatives and the neighbors usually talk about how they decided to marry my sister to the son of my mother's elder brother


i grew up learning that these are not considered incest but totally normal morally,traditionally and culturally

now learning it is not is ........

even if this is not widely spread as in older time it is still happening
be aware of it before seeing it as a complete sin

@yungdolpho yes 1st degree incest is still considered incest everywhere but that is not i'm talking about
what i'm about is things that i considered normal before....internet

Also did I just see someone try and use homosexuality to justify fucking incest?
yes i went a little bit too far
but still that is not my own idea...i read that somewhere in a website linked to another thread

@YumGumYum by 1st degree i mean most direct ones like yungdolpho said
by 2nd degree i men all those examples i mentioned above
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
@IfYouSeeMeRun With a name like that, I wonder if this was a serious thread, lol. XD

But then again, OP hasn't said anything too outrageous yet, so just cool your jet, people! Getting so hot headed so early in the morning...

OP: whether it's legal or illegal depends on where you live, but most countries won't tolerate it, at least publicly. This also depends on far closely related your cousin is. To what degree of relationship are we talking about here? Just marriage and sex with no children? You can get into a relationship with anyone who is capable of consenting, as long as you don't have children. So if you have romantic relationship with your cousin, but have no child, that has no consequences. I don't see it very likely for the police to actually kick down your door because you sleep with your cousin. That requires more time and resources than they can spare. So at least in the US, it's unlikely you will go to jail for this. And then there's also the idea that you must be married. People can live with each other without getting married, you know?

So, overall, a bad idea because there are heavy consequences. But there are things people can do to avoid them, if they choose to engage in that type of relationship.

Also: when interracial marriage was legalized, people asked the same thing about gay marriage. It's not too crazy that OP used gay marriage as comparison. Not on the same page, but no need to jump down his throat for it.

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