What is your favorite game of all time?

Jan 5, 2020
Minecraft. Forever and always, from old days of first alphas. Game is becoming little ridiculous now with amount of unnecessary things added, but I'm still playing older versions quite regularly.
And I really like Detroit Become Human for incredible storyline.
And I spent many hours in Stardew Valley!
Dec 31, 2019
Of course, everyone knows that now there are hundreds of different video games that can be listed endlessly, but for me the favorite is CS GO.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 7, 2018
@LowSanity Damn those are really old. Thanks for paving way for the newer generations so we younguns can play modern versions of those.

My absolute favorite may just be the total war series, but i acknowledge its not the absolute best kind of strategy game. I just like the whole "epicness" of it. I also like paradox releases since Vic 2, but honestly, paradox games breeds cringy elitists left and right thinking their game is for SUPERIOR INTELLECT since its kind of complicated. No. It's not. Anybody can play it after a while. It's hard to learn easy to master. I'm angry because I play both paradox games AND civilization series. Way different kind of game design. Just because one don't play the other doesn't mean it's better. Stop trash talking civ, elite gamur neckbeard assholes. My absolute favorite in civ series is Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri (1998), I think.

I also respect ambitious game designs that changes the gaming landscape or is just an obvious labor of love, even if it only gathers cult following. Bioshock, dishonored, Rimworld, Xcom, even minecraft back when it was still in alpha. But, I dunno, I always came back to guitar hero III every couple of years.

tl;dr total war and guitar hero
Jul 26, 2020
Oh hey a 5 month old thread that's somehow still alive.

Personally, I'd default between Chrono Trigger & DQ5... The latter because that was basically my childhood defining game after Pokemon Silver :3
But I still want to put Kid Icarus Uprising up there. It has waaaaaay too much polish to not be counted.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 7, 2018
@LowSanity Yes, I'm fairly excited for that, and Humanity by Amplitude Studios. Although they may be trying to improve aspects of turn based games such as Civ, I also fear that there aren't really that much to improve from that kind of game design. Much like the RTS genre after the early 2000's. Now we're stuck with old remasters and newer RTS feels mostly just like HD reskinned older games.

As for something like Xcom, I'm also rather intrigued with Empire of Sin. But of course, not everybody that liked original Xcom also like the newer ones. I never played the old games you mentioned but I definitely appreciate the playerbase that supported the game back then, so the title survived and I can play the newer ones. Even if they are, gameplay-wise, less complicated than older games. I can't really enjoy too much complicated stuff from old games. Generation gap, I suppose.
Jun 11, 2019
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2005), Star Wars Empire at War and Rimworld.

I guess that's it really.
Jan 31, 2020
By far on my list of favourite games, I'd have to put Grand Theft Auto San Andreas.

I owned both the initial release disks for ps2 and pc. Even bought the steam version.

Absolutely adore the game even to this day, still play it from time to time for nostalgia. Either go on SAMP or MTA to do some multiplayer. Even in my freetime I've picked up Gta san andreas speed runners to watch in my spare time. If anyone else has interest, I recommend looking up Hugo1 or Joshimuz, they are my personal top speed runners and content creators for the game, for diverse speed running I would recommend looking up Hugo1.
Jun 29, 2020
Well if it is just anime games then it is dragonball xenoverse 2 and if it is non anime games it is dark souls 2
Sep 9, 2018
all times? i don't have specific games, but a series i have.
Final Fantasy and .Hack//
Been playing them for decades and still looking up to a new release
Aug 7, 2020
I just recently gotten into gaming but if I have to choose it would be Bloodborne. The game is just so amazing, the confusing story line, the aesthetic how creepy and dark it is. I played it a few times already and I'm still aching to play it again and again. It's also the very first game I platinumed trophy sooo~
Jan 24, 2019
Of all time? If I had to choose, I'd say the Legend of Zelda; A Link to the Past. Randomizers can make it super interesting.

The game I've had most fun with? Dark souls 3 with Irregulator, Item+Enemy+Fog Gate randomizers. Irregulator set to max so the game crashes every two seconds. It's super insane.

Multiplayer-wise Terrraria. Because it's gud.
Apr 3, 2018
It's PUBG, especially since I've watched shroud..

Well also created weekend livestream of PUBG compilations from various sources (using obs as foss) and gcp free trial credit (lol!)), just because I love the game.


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