What It Means to Be You

May 29, 2020
This is very well translated
Thank you very much SSUS staff

Especially the masochistic ones
(You know who you are)
Dec 1, 2019
Saw the raws, this is so depressing I tell you. I can't even think of revenge for what they've done to Violet. 😭😭💔
Aug 10, 2019
Why do people keep giving this low reviews?? It’s only 5 chapters in and it seems pretty good! I’ve seen other stories worse than this with higher reviews it makes me sad
Aug 7, 2018
So people should be aware that suicide in this story is a prominent theme here.
FL does suicide multiple times and its apparently the cause of the body swapping. Based on the spoiler thread on Novel updates.
take it with a grain of salt its MLT spoilers.

And it becomes a major plotline in this story.
Its a really big warning through the scanlators but it should be a big red flag for anyone sensitive. Which I thank them for.

Now it does remind me of Lady Beast, but its more dramatic and tragic. I highly suggest reading Lady Beast for similar and light hearted. But if you're adventurous, brave, and want some tragic, dramatic tones yeah this story might be for you.

FL literally is alone in this world. She has no one she can support on and lean for help. Her family is shit for literally selling her off.
Her Husband is not the greatest person in the world. He neglects her. Leaves her to do whatever she wants (if she could). She can't defend herself because her brother stripped her of her royal title. Basically in Ch1. This leads to her endlessly getting bullied as an "ex-princess" per say. Especially in social-events.
Her husband:
Is considered low-blood/commoner because of his bloodline His childhood was hell, being held as a slave by dwarves, and experimented on by a witch. He has temper issues. Especially if someone is looking down upon him. He hates his wife because she is a privilaged princess. He values money over anything. It's what gave him "power to survive" in the world. Which is also another main theme. Money and property. He thought his wife was raised with a diamond spoon, which is the big misunderstanding. FL's enviroment is just toxic as hell. She knows royal ettiquette and social manners, but she has nothing. Her family, especially her brother... sold her off in marriage. She has nobody.

Again this is from the novel updates spoiler to save you the trouble.

And I swear to god there maybe a huge misunderstanding between both of them, that is literally shattering their relationship. But its mainly the environment the FL is in.
I dont blame her.
This story has potential, but you need to have guts of steel to read it because its that depressing. Despite the pretty colors of the comic has.
Aug 22, 2019
Both characters are not likable in my opinion. You hate the male lead? Why because he treats her like air? So what. You like her because she was treated badly by others? So what. They both have absolutely no redeemable qualities. If you like the female lead simply because she's had a horrible three years of marriage... 😒 Why the fuck she doesn't stand up for herself? She's a fucking princess! Who the fuck dares to look down on her? And this male lead. Yeah yeah yeah, you've had a horrible upbringing. What haven't I heard before. I'm so fucking tired of people using trauma as an excuse to do anything they want or act any way they want. The story isn't really original. And the art is fine. It must be hard work for translating this story.
Apr 21, 2020
I really hope this is an exception to the misunderstood ML getting forgiven trope. Why should she forgive him for al the shit she had to go through. She literally was led to suicide multiple times!!!! I really want her to end up happy and with SOMEONE ELSE. I don't care that the ML had a tough childhood, that does not condone his actions towards the innocent FL.
Oct 28, 2019
it's hard not to feel mad towards ML while reading this few early chapters ;;;;;; he's got quite big ego and all those misunderstandings piling up......... in the end, FL was the victim :(
Violet please be happy T_______T

FL's brother is an asshole i swear 🤬
Sep 18, 2020
honestly im just mad at everyone in this story except violet
she's a victim for all the neglect she got from her horrible husband (read some chapters and he's still justifying how her pain doesnt matter as much bcs he went through worst like stop) and her horrible family/in laws. She's obviously in a toxic enviroment and can't seem to get out and bcs she wasnt taken seriously and bcs she never got attention and was mocked for a long time so she decides to commit suicide whch I understand her pain honsestly cus I been there once and I wish for her to escape from there and live a peaceful life :/ as of for the ml which some ppl are having mixed feelings abt, I hope he changes ands stops justifying/comparing his past pain to her current pain bcs bish your in no way shape or form allowed to compare her and start all of a sudden being resentful bcs your were one of the causes for her current pain in her body :/ trust is formed and earned so i hope he changes :_) although she might forgive she wont forget so yuh thats all from the current chapters out sry this is long lolz
Apr 26, 2020
It's been a while since I've last read a genderswap themed series, let's see how this goes..

Alrigthy, so we get a neglected and pampered FL, a victim, who was sold off by her very own family, and in the process, scammed the ML. Anyway, while ML is a victim of said scam, did you know he was raised from an abusive/harsh upbringing? Oh no~ surprise surprise, i'm not surprised at all. It was disgusting how he contributed in FL's suicide attempt all because he thought that she would be fine with everything he has said and done so far.

It was understandable that he'd flip out because of the scam. Anyone would be if they were placed in his shoes. But then again, no, it wasn't right of him to lash out his anger towards his wife.

It bothers me that, in most stories - especially drama/romance, use these circumstances (i.e. trauma) to justify their manner of speaking, how they act, etc. No, that's just wrong. Keep in mind that there are common and socially accepted norms we are all expected to follow - basic respect for another is an example, but then again there exists a handful of people who cannot grasp that idea. But if said person knows what right is from wrong, that's a dumb of an excuse to justify their actions.

Well that explains whatever ML, but that doesn't excuse it.

As for FL, I have mixed feelings.
Apr 25, 2020
i hate when they forgive the ML so easily without a good reason ohmy god shit fuck he’s an ass
Oct 24, 2020
Oh goodness, the Male Lead makes me want to crawl into a hole and die. His logic is "Because I went through pain that basically has 0 relations to the pain she's going through, what she's experiencing is obviously nothing since she grew up with money and shit" and it makes me want to slap him firmly across the face with a fucking bowling ball. (I'm not saying what he went through was nothing, it was obviously difficult to go through and maybe even traumatizing to an extent. It's just how he's acting as he understands the Female Lead when he honestly doesn't and doesn't even take the light of day to try to.)
Active member
Sep 5, 2020
(I haven’t read the novel so if you read this it’s prob irrelevant lol)
People are pathetic in the comments man, if the Ml wasn’t trash, then the story would be boring as hell, give it time to develop ....my goodness grow some balls people. Expect him to change in the first chap? Nope ....it’s called giving both characters development by them restarting in this new twist there in. Everyone in general is booty cakes don’t get me wrong but it will change. The princess was pampered and doesn’t know what he had to go through. Hell I like both characters cause they have flaws and they could, like I said, restart.

(I think that’s my preference or idea on the situation)
P.s. - Just saying people! Don’t take it to heart.
Jun 9, 2019
I’m looking for violet family. Why did they throw violet like that? Even if they dispise her husband why did they drag violet? Holy sht. Trash
Jul 21, 2020
I kinda want this story to end up with them divorcing but having a good genuine friendly relationship with each other. I feel like they’d be better as acquaintances/ friends who can help each other grow. Seeing as how being in a relationship hurts them both. But we shall seee.

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