@casteryvan @justforthelulz
There are groups uploading like 33 mb single pages lol.
Uploads failing common causes:
1. Connection is timing out to our server. If it takes longer than 1 minute this is probably the cause.
2. Files or folder having loads of (((([[[[]]])))) in filename can cause it to break.
3. Nested folders within folders or hidden folders.
4. Not a .zip. We don't support .rar or .7zip at this time.
5. Apple device owners - the zip contains a hidden folder and metadata.
6. It's your first upload.
a. Optimise your files to reduce filesize. See https://mangadex.org/thread/250545 for info on how to optimise.
b. Try a free trustworthy VPN such as ProtonVPN (free tier) https://account.protonvpn.com/signup and set the exit node to EU.
c. Rename the files and folders, make sure there's no nested or hidden files/folders and zip as a .zip.
d. Apple device owners - use the solutions posted in here to remove the files. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10924236/mac-zip-compress-without-macosx-folder
e. If all else fails: https://discordapp.com/channels/403905762268545024/419288532830650378/667415116320342026 (on our Discord channel) Post using the format supplied and let someone else upload it for you.
f. First uploads require approval. It will be checked as soon as someone has time.
A more permanent solution to files timing out is being worked on, but is not ready for use yet. Keep an eye out on site announcements for when we roll it out.