Who Made Me a Princess - Vol. 3 Ch. 83

Aug 22, 2018
@syaochan Her naivety is getting on people's nerves. I understand that she is sheltered and clueless, but when her "naivety" harmed Athy and Claude again and again and again and again (even though she didn't mean it), it starts to get really annoying. Author keep prolonging this arc didn't help too. As for me I don't hate her, I only hope that this arc ends already...
Oct 27, 2019
What a cliffhanger ☹️ can't wait for the next update, arigathanks for updating Bucci Gang! 😘💕
Dec 15, 2019
Innocence and naivety is NOT an excuse when it results in the loss of life. Not when it hurts someone physically or emotionally. It doesn't excuse the damage one does to the other.
Jul 11, 2020
this man rly just using jeanette's trust like that 🤢, i hope he doesnt get a redemption arc or smth. uh claude u not feeling so good?
Apr 22, 2020
I get that this situation is getting annoying and frustrating, but she’s a victim here too. Maaaaaan he’s going to die huh? 😔😔😔😔
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
Janrttes not wearing the thing anymore, also i dontt hate janette technivally she is getting used as a weapon here but she just want familial love i dont hate her with that all my hate is ditected at anatucius
Analtacius because his an ashole
, but the cliff hanger is killing me me more pleas be okay Claude i just want the father daughter miments back T_T
Oct 27, 2019
Is that
from the flashback Lucas saying he's trash? Is it conneting from the LN now?
Apr 16, 2019
Dang, when is this arc gonna end, i've been crying so much with the things going on, now I just hope Daddy Claude isn't dead yet, cause if he is, I'll be dropping this, Athanasia deserve to be happy for this second chance. Jennette is too naive that its extremely disappointing now, I know she only wants to be loved and to have a family, her family is Anastacius, but he's is too corrupted. AHHHH i'm going mad and frustrated :((
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 21, 2020
So in a way this is all the mother's fault for manipulating Claude's brother to have this whole ripple effect of incidents. Maybe also that guy with the hoodie.

There is already another chapter out as I was typing this?!?! You guys are awesome!
Thanks for the translations.
Dec 24, 2018
@syaochan I don't hate Jeannette and rather pity her, but it's understandable why she's such a dislikable character to the fandom. We've followed Athy for the entire story, and are sympathetic to her struggling throughout her childhood to be loved by Claude. I think the dislike largely stems from the fact that in comparison to Athy who is forced to behave contrary to her Claude-fearing thoughts due to knowing he kills her in the original plot, Jeannette is a simple-minded character who only thinks about the world in black-and-white, i.e. she will get the fairy tale ending of having a loving father (Claude), sister (Athy), and husband (Ezekiel), and never questions anything around her. It rubs me the wrong way that in the original storyline, she shows up at the ball without considering what it means for essentially another heir to the throne to show up out of the blue, and apparently does nothing to build a relationship with Athy in that timeline which could prevent Claude from killing her. She comes off as entitled when she rejoices that both Athy is staying at her mansion and Claude continues requesting for her presence, even while knowing that Claude is the one who kicked Athy out of the palace in the first place. I think the amnesia arc is so insufferable to many people because of the extended scenes of Jeannette being happy about spending time with Claude without considering that her happiness is at the expense of Athy's. Jeannette is also weirdly possessive of Athy to the point of being upset when Ezekiel becomes aware of Athy's presence in their mansion, yet she has never asked about Athy's upbringing or relationship with Claude and is seemingly content with being ignorant about the circumstances of her sister and father she supposedly loves so much. She constantly pities herself wishing for a loving family, but never thinks about the possibility that Athy spent a similar childhood feeling unloved by her family. She also never questions why her adoptive father is housing a mysterious man and pours her life story out to him, never thinking about any consequences of spilling her secrets. I believe her intentions are good and she does care for Claude/Athy, but only on a superficial level, since she never really questions anything that goes on around her that could lead to a deeper understanding of Claude/Athy and is genuinely happy with her own naivete that they should be loving family just because they share blood. Her ignorance comes off as willful in order to maintain her own black-and-white worldview and these types of one-dimensional, excessively naive and pure characters are difficult to like, especially when more complex characters like Athy exist in the same universe. Obviously, a lot of these can be explained by the fact that Jeannette is 14 years old and written to be immature, but this is just my take on why she is disliked.
Oct 17, 2018
Gawd when will this arc end...

Thanks to the team though, plowing through this...
Active member
Jun 4, 2019
"They can't tell just anyone that HM is not feeling okay."
*goes and tells a random person immediately*
*said person makes HM's status worse*
Good job, Jeanette.
Apr 7, 2020
Wtf? LUCAS WHERE ARE YOU???? This better have the opposite effect and undo the damage past spell did to him!
May 12, 2019
Bold of you to assume she knew Jeanette from Claude lol she was isekaied😂
Oh myyyyy Claude😭 not again, you've suffered enough...

Thanks for the chapter!♡

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