No her memories affect her behaviour, helped in getting her father to like her as a child etc...
Without those memories, her first life wouldve just repeated itself because she wouldve been the same useless and unfortunate princess she was. The reason why she doesnt behave in a pitiful way like Jeanette is because of those very memories.
If you put yourself in her place, since the isekai world is very different from the modern world, theres not much knowledge thats actually useful, its more about her maturity and composure she gained as an adult, thats helps her.
Also its not like she was a genius in the modern world, so even if she had to apply the modern knowledge for whatever reason, I doubt she couldve done it.(she would reinvent the wheel lol?)
Though the only way i could see her actually applying knowledge would be either using economics/accountancy when she becomes an Empress, or maybe science when using magic (Like Shin Wolford in The Philosopher's Grandson; with basic high school level science knowledge he became ridiculously strong).