Why the hell

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Dec 5, 2019
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
such as forcing people to marry people not of their choosing
Sounds more like a far-left thing to me.

My assumption is that some moderator was abusing their power to remove things that disagree with their views. Fits with the behaviour of people who believe in the far right in the USA, at least.
Ask me how I know you're a hypocrite who needs a boogieman to blame all of your problems on?

far right in the USA, at least.
This website is run by an international group of volunteerswho do it for free lmao. If you're going to blatantly project your hatred of one country onto the mod and dev team, don't. Be consistent and project it onto: the entire English speaking world, Vietnam, Finland, Brazil, Norway, and Mexico.

Anyways, mods don't need to cater to you, and they are more likely to cater to you anyways due to most of their tendencies, but they don't because for the most part they restrain themselves as best as they can to be somewhat impartial and respectful to the worldviews of everyone that uses this website.
notice me, mod-kun uwu
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
What exactly is the context? Give us the link to the comment section.

Also, you might be new here so you don't know, but staff members are actually quite left-leaning, while many other users are not so much. You accuse people of being "far-right"... Well, you might be a far-leftist yourself, and that's not exactly welcomed here, either. As far as I know, comments are usually moderated or edited if they have spam links. In either case, you should be notified by PM.

I'm sensing something foul already.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
Odds are he's getting angry over literally nothing.
It's about links on a chapter discussion about what he believes might be "hate."
Notice that he hasn't posted proof?
He's pulling a Jussie Smollett because he knows no one will take his side unless he uses hearsay and victimhood.
Active member
Dec 15, 2019
You were modded for bringing up politics in general, that's all it was.

The one that did a violent insurrection to prevent votes from being counted, which is suppressing the views they disagree with
Posting stuff like this isn't going to garner you sympathy with anyone, let alone the mods.
All of the above shows that you live in a bubble and cannot handle other people's world views because you cannot fathom any life beyond your own.

Mods aren't going to interact with you mainly because your original comment was most likely highly inflammatory and combative in regards to the people you disagree with.
You aren't owed an explanation because you most likely weren't going to be reasonable when dealt punishment.

I’m a 39 yo woman.
And I'm the king of France.
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
I don't think OP thinks they're owed anything. They posted a question asking why some of their comments were marked for moderation. I can see why people could be offended since they use aggressive language, but this is the internet: if you're not automatically filtering out swear words to get to the root message then are you even a gamer?

I've been in their position before: you make a passionate inquiry and then get dogpiled on. How is that helpful to anyone? Didn't we all grow up getting teased and made fun of for like manga and anime? I sympathize with OP.

edit: I was a little heated when I wrote this message. I went back and deleted some stuff.
May 8, 2020
First of all the proof of what happened would be very good, second being toxic and offensive with people you disagree and just label yourself as "against far right" don't make you immune from being targeted for being an asshole, and from what I seen so far you are pretty much just a far left Mr, and I think that you didn't learn an absolute truth so I gonna tell you, it is very shocking, but here we go: the internet is not your personal safe space. If other people's opinions offend you so much go to twitter or some random reddit that prohibits ""hate speech"" and stop bitching about it in a forum of a site that basically have people from every corner of the world.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
I suspect the mods need to delete dozens if not hundreds of posts every day, which is why they don't have time to mark any reasons for deletion. For a regular member it's kind of annoying to be only told you broke a rule, without necessarily having a single clue about which rule it might have possibly been. I've been there myself, so I sent a PM to a mod. I was given an explanation, and actually got the post restored, although I told the mod I don't need it restored. This might sound familiar, but I also fell for a troll's tricks. The troll then reported my post, I'd assume, and a too busy mod deleted it. And then, like I said, a not so busy mod restored it because despite getting trolled, I somehow managed to avoid writing anything too careless.

That's life. Don't think about it too much. This is just a manga forum.
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