Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Vol. 9 Ch. 33 - No More Being Downcast, He Said

Dex-chan lover
Jun 23, 2019
I'm sorry... Not only is he a bigoted, magic supremacist, dickweed... But his solution was "let me mutilate his body to study how he saved everyone..."

I... I think I'm officially on the evil outside forces' side now. This world is obviously wrong... Magic has ruined their brains, and it should all end and start over from scratch.

Worst part? After all this, Will is gonna kill himself saving these jerks again and again. And we still have been given no word on why Elfi is not allowed to do anything. Isn't she one of the ultimate mages that rule this tower/world? Nobody seems to respect her or her views... Instead we get to see them openly mock and belittle her.

I like this Manga, but this is beyond frustrating.

Thanks for translating!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
super glad all the people are getting tired of this shit, at least make elfi piss the pants of glasses guy, he isn't even a magia wende... also they just shown a friggin racist bioweapon, wtf. Only thing I have seen so far is the "swords" being right all the time
Group Leader
Jan 25, 2018
Not gonna lie. I'm rooting for Will to win just cause of all the bs he has to put up with, but damn if it isn't amusing to see him get screwed over left and right. Just keep moving the goal post cause magic supremacy and of course the need for melodrama.
Active member
Mar 13, 2023
I don't know man. The story quite good but you know I think the setting of manaless magicless guy stronger than magic people but magic people are assholes kinda overused I think. The reason he climb the tower for a girl who be like yeah I'm up here climb for me and I'll watch while you struggle as you get completely discriminated kinda dumb I think. I don't know why he didn't go to Finn instead of climbing the stupid tower. The MC is a simp. I like when the story is about weak MC get stronger overtime but the reason to be strong kinda important for me. For Elfi? Nah. For Rosti? Yeah.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2018
Okay but why didn't Will use <<Courage>>? That's his magic, he goes Super Saiyan. Can he not activate it at will (lol)? Does he have to be more desperate? That's an annoying unanswered question.

Also Principal-kun needs to have his stupid face caved in.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2023
I don't see another group working on this, at least not one that posts their shit to MD, but at this point, I don't really care. The mages are massive fucking hypocrites and racist tyrants, Elfi's fucking useless, and this constant shitting on the MC despite his achievements are getting old.

Thanks for all the hard work translating this so far, but I don't think I'll be that upset if I never see another chapter of this.
^^100%^^ at this point it's no real loss to me that this series is being dropped. It started out amazing, and had a great premise.... but shit writing always finds a way to creep in. Wouldn't be manga without the author forgetting simple logic
Dex-chan lover
Jun 6, 2023
Oh yes! Let us create yet another hoop for the SAVIOUR to jump through to be recognized. You know the guy who defeated the threat NONE OF YOU SO CALLED MAGICIANS COULD????

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