Wistoria: Wand and Sword - Vol. 9 Ch. 33 - No More Being Downcast, He Said

Nov 21, 2018
sigh, "spoiled children" are those who change the rules after they've 'lost' under the current rules so that they haven't 'lost yet'
Nov 21, 2018
Also, it has been continued, just looks like it's being done by an official group. You'd have to look elsewhere to find the continued chapters (at 43 as of this posting)
Jul 15, 2024
I literally made up an account just to yap this:
What the fuck is the point in dragging such a simple and lacking story this much? Like it's not even funny anymore, as all the people pointed out, he single handedly saved the entire fucking city where your fucking special ass wizard whom you chose cuz they're worthy and all that shit couldn't do any ass about the monsters to the point you mother fuckers had to make the next festival 1 week later to gather new bitch ass wizards just to die in the next chapter by another ambush, like what the fuck is the point anymore? Tryna be one piece in the dragging shit? Or Naruto with the Madara bullshit? Just let the two fuck already and end the story there but nooo, we must drag the already lacking manga with all this bullshit cuz to get that extra little juicy money up from their ass, fuck you, I'm still gonna continue tho
Sep 4, 2020
More of the same "Here's a test to prove yourself!", "I still don't accept you. Prove yourself at this test being held later", "Okay. But I still don't acknowledge you." Enter someone else that doesn't accept him "Here's a test to prove yourself"...
Jul 18, 2024
More of the same "Here's a test to prove yourself!", "I still don't accept you. Prove yourself at this test being held later", "Okay. But I still don't acknowledge you." Enter someone else that doesn't accept him "Here's a test to prove yourself"...
Fr, the authors ragebait is just getting downright tedious now. Something has to change.
Jul 21, 2024
author is really good, i have never hated characters and "the way of the world" as much as i hated the characters and the systems in this one. thank you for the hard work in translating this so far.

there were many times where i felt defeated for will and he just wills his way through. it's very inspirational, but i know that such a will is fictional to myself lol. i thought i had an indomitable condition for love, but i now doubt that seeing this superhuman.
Jul 21, 2024
More of the same "Here's a test to prove yourself!", "I still don't accept you. Prove yourself at this test being held later", "Okay. But I still don't acknowledge you." Enter someone else that doesn't accept him "Here's a test to prove yourself"...
i can still stomach a few more, but i agree this has to develop at some point, maybe when he gets to the absolute top; but when that will happen and how much more of this idiotic bureaucracy he has to endure, i think i'd drop/pause this series if it drags too long.
Aggregator gang
Jan 20, 2023
The fact that they stay true to their words and not dick-sucking Will is worthy in itself.
And Devende (I forgot the name) is a monster of floor 40 (IIRC, or was it mentioned in credit term?). The Light King's party with Finn managed to reach floor 44, which tells me that no matter how you hated the Magia Wendes, they are still the real deal.

As for the political stuff in a magic society, not surprised. I'm familiar with them, just in another fandom.
Jul 22, 2024
Why did they stop uploading the chapter someone please continue this I really enjoy this manga please 🙏 🥺
Dec 17, 2023
Will constantly being "tested" after proving himself over and over again is very similiar to chinese manga where the protagonist will offend someone, defeat them and because he defeated them someone else will get upset about that. then the protag defeats that person and ANOTHER person gets offended, repeat, repeat, for 10000 chapters
Aggregator gang
Jun 11, 2023
Bro what the fuck is this bullshit writing, he literally got a blessing from 4 of the people with the highest authority in the world and he’s still not allowed to go up because some no name bitch ass mage said so??? BRO ELFIA YOU ARE LITERALLY A SUPREME MAGE JUST FUCKING BLAST THAT DUDES ASS???!??? He literally saved your entire town and prevented the destruction of the world and somehow he’s not allowed any type of privilege or special treatment. This is some of the worst bullshit pulled out your ass to create artificial challenges for the mc in a manga I’ve ever seen. I enjoyed the previous chapters and was hyped but what the actual fuck was that, was oomori Braindead while writing this chapter???
Active member
Aug 4, 2023
And I thought Omori-sensei made Julius the most punchable character. I was wrong
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2019
Honestly screw this mage society, if I were Will I'd have fucked off somewhere else and let them all deal with that disaster a couple chapters ago all by themselves.

and yea seeing how the status quo surrounding Will refuses to change every time he breaks the mold is really frustrating, it reminds me why I decided to drop this series a long time ago
Aug 5, 2024
I'm not even pissed at the bad guy right now....that fucking bitch, some magia vander she is....despite being in the the top fucking 5 most powerful people and being the leader of one faction that she leads can't make a powerful decision by herself...is she just a fucking puppet?? Forget Will, she didn't even fucking recruit Julius because she's salty that he can mimic her power??? what sort reasoning is that lol?? She could've very well just taken Will by force, I doubt any fucking could stop her?? I haye useless characters like her, who are powerful in the name only and don't have even an ounce of respect or command on anyone
Aug 13, 2019
I dont like they keep challaging him efli just get will and go sword faction and stop magic I bing read to see if it stop it doesn't so hate it

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