Yancha Gal no Anjou-san - Vol. 3 Ch. 40 - A Slightly Upset Anjou-san

Dex-chan lover
Jan 30, 2018
Can't people just snipe in silence without throwing shade? This is like bad thief, good thief situation all over again. This immature drama could've been easily avoided without the moral one-upping. At the end of the day, we're all degenerate thieves for reading this shit for free. This hurts us, the readers, because stupid shit like this causes a fallout and now a shitload of chapters aren't even in here anymore. Heck, even Meraki pulled out as well. Chapters lost forever like Heavenly Demon, Solo Leveling, etc. when Meraki got hit by an SnD. Jesus Christ, have you guys heard of keeping opinions to yourselves? This is all so easily avoided it's fucking ridiculous. If your group gets bored of translating this then now what? You're gonna wreck havoc on other groups again and cause another fallout? Are we all gonna be in the inconvenience of waiting again for another group to pick-up because fucks like you can't keep your mouth shut?

If shit like this keeps happening and chapters keep getting removed, people are forced to go to aggregator sites like Kissmanga and Mangadex itself will lose traffic eventually.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 3, 2018
Donating is fine by itself. Anyone out there with a hobby can make use of a donation system. However, begging for money is something more shameful. Not the occasional “need cash to pay for next volume”. Shameless shit that LHT does every chapter, for example.

As for sniping, once again it’s all fine if you’re able to produce better quality output I would say. The readers would be happy, and so should the original scanlators. Scanlators are in this for the love of the project/manga/author right? So if the end result is something better, there shouldn’t be anything to complain about. Though, it’s respectable to contact the original scanlators first as a head-up before a snipe.

Also, people need to take care of scanlators more, really. “Bad thieves good thieves” won’t work if in the long run, the only lasting thieves are the bad thieves. Are you saying if these chapters are machine/Google translated you would still be fine with that? Are you also gonna be happy with shit fonts and redraws in every manga chapter ever from now on? This argument is as old as the fan community itself. Look at JRPG, light novels, and the visual novels community. Every few pieces of translation is a machine-translated script. Standards in these places are subpar compared to anime and manga translation. Are you gonna argue that “yeah we’re all thieves so who cares about standard” or “free stuff so it doesn’t matter”? Kinda hilarious that scanlators try so much to make something available to readers and keeping the quality as close to perfect as they can, while it’s the readers themselves who play the entitlement card and disregard the service.

By the way, aggregators get manga from MangaDex. They will also delete duplicates, so I don’t see a point in going there at all.

All in all, while I don’t know who is at fault, I do want to criticize Hati for pulling the chapters out without putting up a fight. It does show that Hati group is the one getting triggered the most here. Snipers and trolls are everywhere, if every group is like you guys then the scene would’ve die very quickly.
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
Hi, everyone. My gerbil is sick and unable to work. I stay home and take care of it and make comments as a hobby. Please donate all the moneys and help.

Also, shame on Hati for taking their toys and going home like a child. No fruit snacks for you.
Jan 6, 2019
I want him to confess already. It wouldn't even end the story, just focus the story on their actual relationship instead of the teases.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
how many more chapters are there? I think the past 2 had 14 chapters each, so maybe 2 more?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
Based facepalm
"Oooga booga my third-generation cousin is sick and i take care of him, pls donate"
Active member
Apr 6, 2018
Man don't do this. If you want to challenge stuff you think is unethical at least act like an adult about it. That's how this whole drama started.
Active member
Apr 6, 2018
They ripped it because mangadex mods told them not to reply to the shade in the comments and then a whole bunch of other shit spiraled out of it. There seems to be more going on, check the Discord I guess if you're interested?
Active member
Apr 6, 2018
So you took a stand here not because of the severity or significance of this particular case, but because it's the one that most directly affected you? Isn't that the kind of lazy activism people on twitter get shit for? No one wants to see it.

And I don't get the idea of drama for drama's sake either. It's usually just the same shit every time, and the people who revel in it universally sound like they're peddling some up-their-own-ass Guy Fawkes tripe.

Regardless of the merit of your core stance, nothing constructive or entertaining came from how it was executed. The best thing you could have done is just silently and consistently snipe them.

That's just my two cents anyway. Ultimately do whatever you want, I don't think I follow most of the works this drama happens around.
Oct 24, 2018

Sorry for late reply and sorry for bringing it up. Again, there is a few things I want to clear up what I said last time that might give you a different idea or might possibly misunderstand my meaning. Regarding about the donation and paid translators, we are paying them from our pocket money because again, a donation isn't a reliable method to actually pay the translator. You know, you have a bad day and a good day when it comes to donation, unless Mr Beast blesses us with his mercy. It's similar to charity work, you do it for the community or for the good, but donation is appreciated and welcomed.

There are other things which is not just scanlating that are in similar situation. However, regardless, this topic is in grey area cause it is not outright black or white so I hope I won't have to write a reply about this again. I am not writing to debate against your point or whatnot. Just like you said
That doesn't mean you're opinion is invalid, or that my opinion is correct, just that we both have different perspectives. Again, the world isn't just black and white.

Regarding the removal..... I can't tell you much.....due to reasons.... but I am also against it....

Again, I don't want to engage about this topic under these circumstances anymore so you don't have to state your point or anything. I am just witting this to make sure my meaning getting through or fill up the gap you need.

Also, just some facts for you, there are lots of artists and even hentai artists are well aware about the scanlation and they actually love it
Double-page supporter
Sep 18, 2018
up-loader dude man, my buddy, my bro, i get what you mean and agree with you mostly but those damn greedy Chinese just have to pay wall all their juicy raws, unlike the Japanese which do a free progressive lock system aka first 3 are free then new ones going back 3-4 issues so 1-3 free, then 4-23 you need to pay, then 24-27 free.

i get the essence of what you mean tho considering alot or translators start of with "i'm doing this to help me learn x language" the after a while "i need money cause xyz reasons" perfectly valid reasons they maybe seem kinds wrong don't it?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2019
Lmao look at these guys in the comment section LOL

anyway hehe
Seto you jerk~
Aug 8, 2018
Lmao the fools in this comment section... Realistically if a group can’t afford buying physical volumes for a few series or weekly mags, they should probably quit scanlating and get better jobs. Shits cheap as fuck.

I’m glad more groups are hopping on the shaming donations train. It’s a load of bull and it always has been.

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