Everyone make sure to make fun of
@monkeyvoodoo for being dumb enough to rack up, at last count, over $570 of international data roaming charges!
Turns out, it's only free on phones! On his iPad, it's $0.03/MB, and according to the built-in data usage meter on there, his usage currently sits at just over 19 GB.
This chapter is from magazine scans. In the magazine, this chapter is numbered as chapter 40 - they added 3 extra chapters to Volume 3. We changed the chapter number to line up with the volumes, but note that we may have to change the chapter number again depending on if they change things around when Volume 4 is released.
We have magazines through the current chapter, which I think is chapter 51 or something (based on continuing numbering from the end of Vol.3).
Note that since this chapter is from magazine scans, the quality is not nearly as good as previous ones. Don't worry, though. When Vol.4 comes out, we will be re-doing these chapters with higher quality tankoubon raws.