Yancha Gal no Anjou-san

Dex-chan lover
May 12, 2018
Cute manga. Buuut Anjou-san is a flatty, so wouldn't date. ^^ Not that she would, lol. X) Though I like how spunky she is.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 5, 2018
This comment thread makes me want to weep for the future of humanity, and also post that old picture of the "sharp knees, definitely would not hit it" guy.
Apr 29, 2018
@Akemua If that would ever happen then you would end up with Mineta from Hero Academia as your main character, and look how he's hated both by fans and in-series by the whole female cast, who treat him like shit because no girl would ever want anything with a creepy pervert.

This is a teasing manga, and someone kind and spineless like the MC is the perfect target for a girl like Anjou.
Active member
Aug 30, 2018
@JeanKB So, what you mean to tell me, is that a guy teasing a girl, the same way she teases him, means he's a creepy pervert? Then what the hell does that make the female? Get my point yet? Flip their roles completely and see who gets triggered. I for sure wouldn't be surprised if the some of the people praising this as cute would instead be bashing the guy for acting like this.

Also, why does kindness immediately mean he is spineless tho? Just because someone can be chill about someone's attitude doesn't mean they should just let them do whatever they want... I digress. To me, it's one of those ones that just get annoying after a while because it's literally the female dominating this guys life and he does nothing to stop her and she gets off to that. It's more fetish than anything.

You like what you like tho, not saying it has no value; it just kind of annoys me with how much of a borderline bitch the females ( in these stories) are and it's somehow cute the guy just puts up with it.
Oct 20, 2018
@Akemuait it just kinda apeals for the male nerd fantasy, and I dont think this guy is spinelss at all but rather focused on his goals and with a low-self steam taht makes him kinda relatable, he likes the atention (even without knowing it) so he doesnt take a hard stance towards it, he isnt letting the anoying bitch do whatever she wants. He isnt lowering his head and just saying yes to everything, He does put some resistence just not so much as he could, sort of a kind tsundere.

I find it cute and kinda virtuos of him because he is diligent with his work and the only one that apreciates that is the gal girl. Also I think he is changing rather well and beguining to apreciate more about the gal, and not stuck in the same tsunderish character, but learning bit by bit he can enjoy himself and others more and that schoolwork is not everything in life. Expecially in this chapter, specifically thinking that resting with the gal in the infermary does feel good. This is after all a slice of life manga and the pasing is kinda slow so I would understand if someone has that feeling of repetition.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
The latest chapter should ease that worry: Seto isn't spineless, he's just too serious hence why he's constantly called "diligent." He hates being a bother to others and is troubled if others could potentially be in trouble, but is aware of his shortcomings, which he has some insecurity about (and let's be real: everyone is insecure about themselves about something or another. That's part of being human.) Anjou is flighty, but she respects that part of him. She teases him, but she cares about him too. She's not dominating him, she just wants him to loosen up and enjoy life, hence "rewarding" him (though it's obvious she's crushing on him, but unaware of her feelings due to the aforementioned flightiness). She may look it, but Anjou is the furthest thing from a borderline bitch.
Active member
Aug 30, 2018
@escamado Fair enough. Sorry for the late reply tho, when you tagged me it didn't actually "tag" cuz the name is spelled wrong so I got no notification.

@TwilightFaze Meh, I was mainly talking about these types of mangas in general. Like that seems to be the troupe. A socially reclusive guy is weak to women to the point he just lets them do (for the most part) whatever they want to him. And it just feels like they are required to be a botch with their attitude when she does it to a guy that won't actually do something back. I probably wouldn't care as much if the male mc also messed with her as well. But I guess that's the point of this. Or she herself wasn't so upfront in her joy of punking him around so it seems like it's sadism. This is still more chill than Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san tho.

@RadioForrest I was mainly talking about the fact that these manga's only work on the idea that a girl is required to be paired with a male that is emotionally and socially lesser than her. Doesn't mean he needs to genuinely be spinless, ( I said in my original post "no spine" which just meant he lets her do what she wants) just that she is in a more dominant position and she knows that and uses it to mess with him. But I guess I never considered he actually would like that. So I guess that was on me.

Well, anyway, just wasn't my cup of tea for these types of manga I guess. Couldn't bring myself to like the females or the guys.
Group Leader
Feb 3, 2018
I mean, it’s cute-ish but honestly all of these “slutty gyaru goes after socially inept virgin guy MC” manga just remind me of all of the “slutty popular guy goes after socially inept virgin girl MC” shoujo mangas in the 90s and 2000s...

And the same plot line being rehashed a billion times is just as boring now as it was back then. Plus, the way they focus on sexuality is just annoying in my otherwise cute manga.
Oct 6, 2018
_anq is the real homie

As with most people I've been catching up with Anjou-san since updates have resumed thanks to _anq and his efforts (rounds of applause, seriously), and I have a few things to say about Anjou-san. The first thing that I think needs to be said is, like others have been discussing, Seto isn't spineless. He keeps his head down and works because that's all he's good at. Diligent does describe him well. But I do think that he's a pussy for two reasons. The first one, obviously being that he lets Anjou push him around all that she does, even though none of it is malicious and all of it is just in good fun. Second, even though he is diligent, he still allows his classmates to walk all over him, willing to let everyone do whatever they want at his own expense. Which is where Anjou comes along, she's supposed to be his foil in that regard and help him nut up, so to speak. Which is cute and fun and all that, but there is something that I feel needs to be said about this manga: it's all so... one sided about everything. Anjou shows up and improves Seto's character, forcing him out of the classroom and just making him have fun but Seto isn't doing any of that for Anjou. Anjou isn't really getting anything out of their relationship, and I really hope that changes in the future. The key to a compelling fictional relationship is to have both character benefit from being together, and so far we haven't really seen that be the case. Nagatoro, on the other hand, does manage to do this quite well. In Nagatoro, the dynamic is very similar. Nagatoro teases Senpai and gets him out of the house and makes him have fun. She encourages him to do stuff and he becomes a more well rounded person as a result. But in Nagatoro, Senpai contributes a good deal to their relationship as well. Senpai provides a level head to her more reckless antics, the ice cream line being the key example here, and even keeps Nagatoro in a happy demeanor during their time together. Nagatoro's blind date at the restaurant, from what I understand, was meant to underline what she's like when she isn't around Senpai and is forced to interact with other boys. She's sullen, quiet, and isn't really interested in anything happening. When she's around Senpai, she's a lot more active, happy, and even has fun with her "friend." In Anjou, we haven't really seen the titular girl struggle with anything. Yeah, she skips class and whatnot but that's rarely shown as detrimental to her overall happiness or adjustment to society. She's been getting by fine so far, what would happen if she stopped hanging out with Seto for one reason or another? Seto would, more or less, relapse and just turn back into who he used to be, but Anjou would remain the same. I'm really hoping that we see how Seto improves her as a person so that she has a reason to stay other than she likes teasing him. And, obviously, I hope that Nagatoro continues to show that both Senpai and Nagatoro herself are better together than apart.

That's not to say that I don't enjoy the series, I'm liking it quite a bit. I just think that it could use some tweaks on the character front.
Oct 20, 2018
Hey @Ryallen though I agree with most of your points, I disagree that Anjou doesn't get nothing in return, remember that everyone at school just gosip and rumor about her being a slut and that she only has Seto and two other female friends. Also I think we just get more exposure from Seto as the manga shows his side of the story more, we know what seto is passing through and what he is thinking, we dont really see much what Anjou is doing off-screan or what is she is thinking, so I think thats what is happening here. Also we see Seto litle by litle change in my opinion, like just now how he just blurped out what he was thinking without noticing and the other chapters he began trully enjoying the antics. Also I think that Anjou gave a haircut to Sato knowing that her mother doesn't allow it is something really important that tells us that she doens't get to do it that much and something that she enjoys doing. Also Also she did admited that she enjoys going out with Seto and admires him very much because of his diligentness.
tl;dr:We just can see Seto's thoughts and not Anjou's, so we are limited to see how Seto is affected. A Anjou pov chapter would be nice.
Oct 6, 2018
@Escamado We did get a POV chapter from her and it more or less seems like she's comfortable with her life and lifestyle so I disagree with you there. We'd need another Anjou POV chapter if we were gonna be given anything else from her perspective. The worst we get is her questioning whether or not she's "really that unattractive", and while that does seem to have a root in some sort of body issue that she's dealing with, it also could just be surprise that Seto didn't want to do anything with her like that. And, like I already said, a good fictional relationship bases itself on both characters becoming better people when together as opposed to apart. Having Anjou hang out with Seto because she likes that he's so diligent still makes the relationship seem one sided, in that he entertain her but she makes him a better person. What happens when she gets bored of him? She has no reason to stay if she finds someone who's more fun than him. He doesn't make her a better person.
Oct 25, 2018
As always, stupid people thinking everyone needs to be experienced mansluts like they are, and calling a character with some restraint a "pussy" for not trying to bone anything with chesticles the instant they show some interest. Stop trying to analyze stuff when you're that awkward and immature.

All in all, the manga is cute. The teasing isn't mean or annoying and she seems to genuinely like him. I like it.

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