Still one of my favorite series of all time. Although it has its weaker moments, the stronger ones make me forget all about them every time I read this. Beneath the silliness there is more depth and humanity than just about any other manga I've found, yet neither feels out of place. It's a rare series where I go from chuckles to tears without ever feeling like one was out of place. There isn't a single manga out there that I think has hit me in the feels harder than this one. It's probably not for everyone, and I'm sure a lot of people won't agree with me on that, but for me this is a solid 10/10. It has its flaws but its strengths more than make up for it.
Tcof I'm getting the feeling you actually haven't read very far in if you think the characters are too stereotyped, or that there isn't much development. It takes its time fleshing them out, but this is one of the most complex and interesting cast of characters I've seen in manga, and trust me, I have read a hell of a lot. The series is actually fairly philosophical at its core as well. There is a surprising amount of moral complexity and deep themes buried under what seems like a lot of fluff at first. I'm not going to blame anyone for dismissing this series at first, because I think it doesn't fully come into its own until quite late in the story, but try to at least get through to the end before you start dismissing everyone else's opinion on it.
penrosecat For me the family and relationship drama's were where the series was at its strongest. The silliness was entertaining for the most part, but I would have said it was weaker than the drama. I almost never actually laughed out loud reading this. I absolutely cried though, and there are not a lot of series that I can say that about.