Yane Urabeya no Koushaku Fujin - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

Mar 18, 2020
Dream story plot: Opal fixes everything despite opposition, wins everyone over with her awesomeness, useless guy falls in love with her, Opal divorces the useless guy and marries Claude!!
Active member
Aug 25, 2019
@SmithHatt close
mc basically devise a simple plan to take over the duchy's finances in one blow so that Opal will now hold the power (since she can't divorce him - it'll just worsen her already horrible rep).

So Opal has a document forged & smuggled over saying that all the moneys AND properties now belong to her. And Hubert signs it.

Opal: "Btw if you kill me or if I die, it'll all just go to charity instead~".

Hubert throws a tantrum but he's beaten down by her logic (& also because she has all the power) & he finally calms down enough that he starts working hard for 7 years until he's able to buy back all his territory from her piece by piece.

He confesses to her that he fell in love with her & wants to marry her for real, but she rejects him, then she marries her BFF
So it's revealed that the "angel" isn't even the mistress but just a girl that Hubert sees as a little sister (which is why he was so ANGRY when Opal mistook her for a mistress, but seriously wtf did he expect). Opal even dryly mentions that no sane legal wife would put up with a non-blood related girl buzzing around the husband with the support of the "ride or DIE for our OTP" servants & when Hubert has to remarry after the divorce, his fiancee is immediately like "get rid of her NOW".

Hubert goes to Opal for advice on how to deal with this "overly headstrong" fiancee, but Opal's just like "why should I care, we have no relations with each other -sips tea-"

Hubert: but we were married for 7 years.
Opal: and now we're not. so again, why should I care about YOUR issues?

So Opal exiles herself to the attic to keep away from the obnoxious household staff (& Hubert) only to find during her readings that there is serious embezzlement going on in the duchy's finances. Hubert, being a colossal naive entitled only child, wholeheartedly believed in his staff & didn't check ANYTHING they sent him.
Turns out one of them has serious gambling issues - even when Opal brings this up to Hubert (with evidence), he's just like "you're an evil villainous whore, you probably made all that up to steal from my finances & take it over, how dare you accuse my loyal servant!!!"

Opal's just like "fuck this" & books it back to her parents' place, lays down what happened & they basically devise a simple plan to take over the duchy's finances in one blow so that Opal will now hold the power (since she can't divorce him - it'll just worsen her already horrible rep).

So Opal has a document forged & smuggled over saying that all the moneys AND properties now belong to her. And Hubert signs it.

Opal: "Btw if you kill me or if I die, it'll all just go to charity instead~".

Hubert throws a tantrum but he's beaten down by her logic (& also because she has all the power) & he finally calms down enough that he starts working hard for 7 years until he's able to buy back all his territory from her piece by piece.

He confesses to her that he fell in love with her & wants to marry her for real, but she rejects him.

I think he said something sappy about their first dance at their wedding but all Opal could remember was the fact that he accused her of being a whore right afterwards. And she says that to him.:blob_patpat:
So Hubert's been bumped up to a B- rank in terms of male leads & that's mostly because he actually denies the rumors still floating in high society of her being a whore & actually tried to do something about them - making clear what the reason of their divorce was for (aka it wasn't because she cheated on him).

.....But later he gets jelly of her closeness with BFF & insinuates that she cheated on him & Opal's just like "why are you so disappointing....BFF's been out of the country for YEARS even before I married you."

BFF's the exiled prince of a neighboring country (hiding out as a baron's son) so he went back to reclaim his homeland & also to be a worthy man of Opal (but rip, she got married before that could happen - he's still putting down civil unrest & antagonistic factions even 7 years later). He respects Opal 100%, but sadly his friends don't.

They immediately believe the rumors of her being a whore & make comments to her why she's acting like she's not experienced with "those types of things" when she makes an offhand comment at a party they're all at.

Opal straight up tells them (politely) to fuck off & that she doesn't care if they don't like her, she'll stay out of their way & vice versa. BFF shows up & he's pretty disappointed in his friends, especially since they were acquainted with her a bit before the party started.
She might have dumped wine on them, I forget if she did.

Anyway, later she heads to the foreign country with BFF to support him but gets kidnapped by an anti-BFF faction & they lock her in an attic for now, saying that they'll spread rumors (since she a slut) that she ran off with another man in order to shake BFF's conviction.

Opal: how dumb do you think he is
Bad guys: it doesn't matter if he believes it or not, other people will

And that's where the raws end I think? With her stuck in the attic for now.
source: https://forum.novelupdates.com/threads/the-duchess-of-the-attic.86684/
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
I read what appened in the next or maybe 2 chapter
Today was he's last chance to try working with the MC.
she use Omar to write a letter at her husband saying that people will comming with paper who need his signature.
She come at his office to tell him that it's her job to welcome guests and make hint that the guest who will come have a link with her but he refuse.

So, he have receive the guests, didn't call MC when the guest ask why the madam of the mansion isn't here and sign the document without looking a it.
In the dinner, the MC will annonce that the man is her uncle who is a famous lawyer with some notary of the royal court and he have sign a transfer of everything (territory, money, mansion, etc...) to his women.
The lawyer didn't really like this plan, but when he see the husband not know the name of famous royal lawyer AND sign paper without looking at it he think "oh well, if the husband is this stupid, at list, let a competent people have autority"
And if the husband have sign without looking that because he's sincere and loyal butler Omar telling him that was just some unimportant paper 🤡
Aggregator gang
Sep 26, 2018
@nanceqn The novel itself is only translated up to chapter 10, so I read the raws. The writing style is very uncomplicated so it's a pretty smooth MTL if you want to give it a shot! https://ncode.syosetu.com/n9587ek/
Mar 18, 2020

I think it's not about Opal being nice. Opal's sizable dowry went into the Duke's estate. She can't let him waste it away again. And if she divorces him after his estate is on the verge of bankruptcy a second time, then her reputation will be very bad also.
Mar 30, 2018
It sad to see Opal sitting alone in the attic. At least she's finally realized how stupid the Duke is.

I still kinda wish for an alternative telling where Opal just leaves his stupid ass and let him drown in debt.
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
@yuushira She married there because of her former rape situation, and that made her undesirable. He is a duke, but a beggar one, they have basically no income, they lived in relative poverty before the marriage. It was a compromise from her, in exchange of getting married somewhere, they got a huge load of money. But, and this is a big but, from the conversation with her uncle, she could leave if she'd fess up about everything to the uncle. They could conclude an investigation covertly, and uncover the retardedness that is in the Duke house. It would not only break Claude's reputation completely, but his inetpcy and treatment of a noble wife (however undesirable she is), would be probalby enough to demote him, which ultimately would be the better option. Right now she's basically playing the martyr for no other reason than plot, "for the people". Ruin his rep, get him removed, people will have it better. Bear with it, eat shit, maybe the people will have it better, if she manages those idiots to listen to her. Other than the martyr act, she has nothing to gain anymore, and she's not in a no-win situation either. This where the story doesn't make sense anymore and not enjoyable unless someone has a shoujo brain.
Active member
Mar 23, 2019
This manga has the slowest updates. And please don’t think I’m blaming the group, I’m talking about the raws. The mangaka sure takes their sweet time 😭
Mar 31, 2019
I'm not sure about the setting of the story but if the author patterned the customs, laws, and beliefs here as that of european regency/victorian era or the like then MC not divorcing the ass would be logical.
Probabilities based on history:
1. Wives are not allowed to initiate divorce.
2. They are allowed but they'll become social outcasts (victim blaming). So yeah, other comments saying that MC might ruin her reputation for good if she's too hasty aren't too farfetched.
Dex-chan lover
May 31, 2018
@marchessa There are exceptions of that. If the unlce initates, based on evidence they gather of her treatment and their intepcy at leading their territory, it's game set match. Even in Europe, there were cases like that, given the situations. By the way the strong anti-divorce sentiment was because of the influence of the church, which was way stronger irl, than it is in these stories. Every condition is there for a non problematic divorce, and let's not forget, the husband isn't someone with a good reputation either. Even if he's bouncing after that, the chances of his success are rather slim, given his image and circumstances. As of now, it's really only for the sake of the plot that the marriage still stands, but that's exactly what it makes it not enjoyable.
Sep 4, 2019
Thanks for the translation! As well as the spoilers cause I was too curious about what Opal's plan was
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
Is the novel for this translated? I just wanna see that family get dunked on already, and the chapters for this are mere morsels that aren't enough.
Group Leader
Oct 2, 2018
IIRC the issue is her age. It's mentioned early on she has to wait until she's 20 to inherit her grandmother's estate. As such, should she divorce immediately then she'd have to return to her father until she reaches 20 years of age and so would likely be forced to remarry a man of his choice before her twentieth.

Loving this series. Thanks for the translation.
Sep 11, 2019
Trash. The whole every single person in that duchy is trash and from the spoilers that i have read... YES OPAL IS GONNA GET THE JUSTICE SHE DESERVES
May 30, 2019

omg i need updates soon, i hope Opal dumped her husband and find happiness elsewhere huhu

Anyway, thanks for the update!

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